Will you stand for this?
Personal crusades
By Craig Moreschini
September 27, 2001
The Iranian
Their is no one person or group in this world who can claim to know infinite
justice. Each is fallible, incomplete, temporary, transitory. Only the children
of tomorrow will know the greater consequences of today. Some have explained
that the root of Satan's great evil came from his great love of God. Everyone,
no matter their system of belief of level of acknowledgement in the divine,
has witnessed personally the tragic irony of this situation firsthand.
One can not choose where and to whom their born. Being born in the Western
world, I have an incomplete knowledge of Islam. Although, having been born
in the United States and into its relative wealth, I have been exposed and
benefited from the many fruits of the tradition and can recognize the divine
wisdom of its teachings.
I live in an imperfect country, I am participating in an imperfect political
system, as most of my fellow citizens will agree, and many are working for
positive change, a realistically brighter future, a future where the Modernist
ideals that state everyone should be the same, where the world exchanges
its great diversity of culture for one set of ideas, one limited palette
of tools to salve all problems, will cease to exist, and everyone will have
the opportunity for their own self-determination and liberty to seek a fuller
palette of God's own wisdom.
Some in my country worship at the idol of money, not realizing that it
really should represent human labor. Some have sought to remake people in
developing countries to their own image, both economically, politically,
and even religiously. Throughout our short history countless atrocities
have been committed under our star spangled banner of red, white and blue.
But it too is only a symbol which we have been constantly remaking into
something new. We are imperfect, and anyone holding us up as anything other,
or to a higher standard, is deceiving themselves.
But no one, no matter how righteous and just they believe their cause,
has the right to target and pre-meditatively murder innocent people to make
their point heard. Those who try to argue a point, self-righteously teach
a lesson, at the blackboard of another's evil, only corrupt and darken their
own wisdom.
Human justice, our rules of law, all are equally imperfect and transitory,
but these are the conditions of living together, forming congresses and
societies, agreeing not to kill our neighbors or steal, having enough stability
to raise our children and pursue some limited form of wisdom and happiness.
When governments or individuals corrupt and pervert our trust, terrorize
us, turn us into symbols, idols of their oppression, speak through the voice
of mass murder; then there must be retribution, law and order, stability,
must be reestablished.
These people refuse to submit themselves to the rule of human law, to
argue their case with words, to submit themselves before their peers, maybe
they realize that arguments made through acts of murder are unjustifiable,
they hide, and now unfortunately they will have to be apprehended. Because
no one can raise their children, pursue work, stability, with a group of
murders hiding about, waiting to argue another bloody point, to make some
profound statement about their own inadequacy and personal lack of faith.
I, like most of the rest of America, awoke to this evil.
America is a big place, filled with all sorts of people, a place you
can be born and choose to live for a great many years and still not fully
understand, watching our television or movies, eating our food, wearing
our products, working or going to school here, it is impossible to understand
or form a complete understanding of this countries dualities, ourselves
we are always seeking to define it, but it is incomplete; like a great giant
slowly rising from a long slumber it is now awakened.
I hope it doesn't perpetuate this tit for tat, this evil for an evil.
But the United States, and hopefully the whole international community with
it, yourself and your great wisdom included, has decided that we all can't
allow people to conspire to make their political and philosophical points
with murder. Everyone should be fearful of the instability and precedence
this will set for future generations of terrorists. Will you stand for this?
This is not a crusade against the wisdom of Islam as some would like
you to believe as they manipulate language, this is a quest to apprehend
people who tragically mask themselves in piety and practice unspeakable
acts of antisocial behavior. This isn't about the Palestinian struggle,
although individuals on both sides of that issue have done a great disservice
to humanity by propitiating similar acts of unjustifiable, ever escalating,
violence toward their own neighbors and families. This is about hypocrisy,
the evil of murder, being so fanatical that one can not differentiate symbols
and false idols from the substance.
I am reminded of Cervantes's Don Quixote, a story about a Spanish
knight so caught up in self delusion and romantic notions he chases down
and fights windmills thinking they are dragons. It is far more tragic to
think there are people so deluded and caught up in their own romantic symbols
to not be able to recognize the human tragedy in destroying an office building,
or an airplane full of people, or even the divine wisdom of a single individual
No one is safe when people like this are free to have their own personal
crusades, to declare their own personal Jihad against the world, our silence
and ambiguity is their shelter, their evil coven.
