Linguistic connection
More on Persian-English links
By Dariush Gilani
April 8, 2002
The Iranian
I am a linguistic buff and I have studied the Persian -English linguistic connection
for many many years. The article by Sharon Turner [In
other words] is just an attempt to find racial and linguistic connection
between Iran and Western Europe.
I have studied the origins of the Persian language back to 10,000 years ago when
the migration of Iranian ancestors first began. We know that we Iranians were part
of a large migration by Indo-Aryans leaving Northern Europe for warmer plateaus fleeing
an ice age. These groups split up and waves of them moved to present Iranian plateau.
The stronger ones such as Scythians, Sacas and Medes(Mad) infiltrated Iran from Caucasian
(Ghafghaz) Mountains in Northern Armenia. The weaker Persians (later Hakhamaneshi),
Parths (Ashkanians), Soghdians , etc, circumvented the Caspian Sea and settled in
present Turkmenistan and Afghanistan.
Turner's theory about Saxons and Sacs being the same people is very true. Yes, the
descendants of Sacs migrated to Europe more than 2000 years ago. Remember that the
Aryans called themselves "Ir" . The word Iran means land of Irs and Ireland
on the other side of the world also means "land of Ires". Now that's really
Another interesting subject is the word "Khazar",
which is our name for the Caspian Sea. This word is for a tribe of Turks who lived
in northern Iran and later became Jewish and moved to Europe. But that is another
The Sacs and Soghdians were a constant menace to the Persians. They were really tough
warriors and could not be uprooted easily. I am sure you have heard the terms "pedar
sag" and "pedar sukhteh" in Persian. These terms are derived from
"pedar Sac" and "pedar Soghdeh" which were used as obscenities
implying bastard child of these two tribes. Cyrus the Great was killed in a battle
with them.
Qhen Darius came to power he decided to take his armies to Greece and move up north
, crossing the Danube River( in Romania) , in an attempt to go around Black Sea to
attack the Sacs from behind. Of course he had to give up the military campaign because
the line of communication had spread too thin. It was the farthest military incursion
of all time.
The later invasion of Central Asian hoards pushed these group back to Europe. I suppose
they retreated as far back as England.
Now back to linguistic connection. Persian and English came from the same mother
tongue in Europe. Over the years they were mixed with other neighboring languages.
The common words in Turner's article are very messy. I believe she must have used
non-Tehrani dialects of Persian to collect those "common" words.
I have found a linguistic pattern of similarities between Persian and English. I
have come up with a phonetic formula for the Mother Language. Let me give you some
The original Aryans used very basic and primitive sounds in their language. They
imitated the sounds of animals and birds to form the sounds of their language. Imagine
the sound of the wings of a bird "pfrrrr". A combination of "p",
"f" and sometimes "r". So, when they wanted to say " feather"
they would say "pferrrer" . From this word you have "par" in
Persian and "feather" and in English. Here are some other examples.
Pfresherr: Pressure - Feshaar
Pfakhsh: Faction, - Pakhsh (Bakhsh)
Pferpfer: Pepper - Felfel
Pfederr: Father - Pedar
Pfizishk: Physician - Pezeshk
Sepherrr: Sphere - Sepehr
Spfeed: Fade: - Sefeed
Pfarri: Fairy - Pari
Pfarmayesh: Permission - Farmaayesh
Geripft: Grip - Gereft
Another sound system they employed was that they started with the sound "akh"
which became "ex" in English. Many nouns had this prefix. In Persian, over
several thousand years, we simply dropped this prefix. Here are more examples.
Akhzamoon: Examin - Azmoon
Akhmor: Amore - Mehr
Akhsakht: Exact - Sakht (meaning hard and heavy)
Akhsakute: Execute - Saakht (Building)
Akhzood: Exude - Zad
Akhseed: Exceed -Ziad
Akhzast: Exhaust - Sookht
Akhkav: Excavate - Kaav
Akhbakht: Expect - Bakht
These "primitive" sounds were present across
the board. For instance "Aikh" became "ice" and "yakh"
. Aikhen became "iron" and "Aahan".
Another phonetic systems was using your lips and palates at the same time, such
as "labio-palatal sounds". There were two distinctive sounds; "kw"
and "gw". So, we have "gworm" which becomes "warm"
and "garm". Or "kworm" from which we get "worm" and
"kerm" . We have "kwash" from which we get "wish" and
"kaash", hence "I wish" is the same thing as "ey kaash".
Or "kwaorker" from which we get "worker" and "kaargar".
There is a lot to say about this topic and I do not wish to take up more of your
time. But as a present to you and all other Iranians let me give you the equivalent
of a famous quotation of Zoroaster in English . I am referring to "Goftaar neek,
pendaar neek, kerdaar neek". Every word in this great phrase has an English
equivalent. Some may at first sound different, but all of them have exactly the same
meaning . The English is "Unique ponder, unique order and unique chapter".