The men from JINSA and CSP
Interesting dynamic among right-wing hawks
By Jason A. Vest
August 16, 2002
The Iranian
Source: The
Almost thirty years ago, a prominent group of neoconservative hawks found an
effective vehicle for advocating their views via the Committee on the Present Danger,
a group that fervently believed the United States was a hair away from being militarily
surpassed by the Soviet Union, and whose raison d'être was strident advocacy
of bigger military budgets, near-fanatical opposition to any form of arms control
and zealous championing of a Likudnik Israel. Considered a marginal group in its
nascent days during the Carter Administration, with the election of Ronald Reagan
in 1980 CPD went from the margins to the center of power.
Just as the right-wing defense intellectuals made CPD a cornerstone of a shadow defense
establishment during the Carter Administration, so, too, did the right during the
Clinton years, in part through two organizations: the Jewish Institute for National
Security Affairs (JINSA) and the Center for Security Policy (CSP). And just as was
the case two decades ago, dozens of their members have ascended to powerful government
posts, where their advocacy in support of the same agenda continues, abetted by the
out-of-government adjuncts from which they came. Industrious and persistent, they've
managed to weave a number of issues--support for national missile defense, opposition
to arms control treaties, championing of wasteful weapons systems, arms aid to Turkey
and American unilateralism in general--into a hard line, with support for the Israeli
right at its core.
On no issue is the JINSA/CSP hard line more evident than in its relentless campaign
for war--not just with Iraq, but "total war," as Michael Ledeen, one of
the most influential JINSAns in Washington, put it last year. For this crew, "regime
change" by any means necessary in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian
Authority is an urgent imperative. Anyone who dissents--be it Colin Powell's State
Department, the CIA or career military officers--is committing heresy against articles
of faith that effectively hold there is no difference between US and Israeli national
security interests, and that the only way to assure continued safety and prosperity
for both countries is through hegemony in the Middle East--a hegemony achieved with
the traditional cold war recipe of feints, force, clientism and covert action.
For example, the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board--chaired by JINSA/CSP adviser and
former Reagan Administration Defense Department official Richard Perle, and stacked
with advisers from both groups--recently made news by listening to a briefing that
cast Saudi Arabia as an enemy to be brought to heel through a number of potential
mechanisms, many of whichmirror JINSA's recommendations, and which reflect the JINSA/CSP
crowd's preoccupation with Egypt. (The final slide of the Defense Policy Board presentation
proposed that "Grand Strategy for the Middle East" should concentrate on
"Iraq as the tactical pivot, Saudi Arabia as the strategic pivot [and] Egypt
as the prize.") Ledeen has been leading the charge for regime change in Iran,
while old comrades like Andrew Marshall and Harold Rhode in the Pentagon's Office
of Net Assessment actively tinker with ways to re-engineer both the Iranian and Saudi
governments. JINSA is also cheering the US military on as it tries to secure basing
rights in the strategic Red Sea country of Eritrea, happily failing to mention that
the once-promising secular regime of President Isaiais Afewerki continues to slide
into the kind of repressive authoritarianism practiced by the "axis of evil"
and its adjuncts.
Indeed, there are some in military and intelligence circles who have taken to using
"axis of evil" in reference to JINSA and CSP, along with venerable repositories
of hawkish thinking like the American Enterprise Institute and the Hudson Institute,
as well as defense contractors, conservative foundations and public relations entities
underwritten by far-right American Zionists (all of which help to underwrite JINSA
and CSP). It's a milieu where ideology and money seamlessly blend: "Whenever
you see someone identified in print or on TV as being with the Center for Security
Policy or JINSA championing a position on the grounds of ideology or principle--which
they are unquestionably doing with conviction--you are, nonetheless, not informed
that they're also providing a sort of cover for other ideologues who just happen
to stand to profit from hewing to the Likudnik and Pax Americana lines," says
a veteran intelligence officer. He notes that while the United States has begun a
phaseout of civilian aid to Israel that will end by 2007, government policy is to
increase military aid by half the amount of civilian aid that's cut each year--which
is not only a boon to both the US and Israeli weapons industries but is also crucial
to realizing the far right's vision for missile defense and the Middle East.
Founded in 1976 by neoconservatives concerned that the United States might not be
able to provide Israel with adequate military supplies in the event of another Arab-Israeli
war, over the past twenty-five years JINSA has gone from a loose-knit proto-group
to a $1.4-million-a-year operation with a formidable array of Washington power players
on its rolls. Until the beginning of the current Bush Administration, JINSA's board
of advisers included such heavy hitters as Dick Cheney, John Bolton (now Under Secretary
of State for Arms Control) and Douglas Feith, the third-highest-ranking executive
in the Pentagon. Both Perle and former Director of Central Intelligence James Woolsey,
two of the loudest voices in the attack-Iraq chorus, are still on the board, as are
such Reagan-era relics as Jeane Kirkpatrick, Eugene Rostow and Ledeen--Oliver North's
Iran/ contra liaison with the Israelis.
According to its website, JINSA exists to "educate the American public about
the importance of an effective US defense capability so that our vital interests
as Americans can be safeguarded" and to "inform the American defense and
foreign affairs community about the important role Israel can and does play in bolstering
democratic interests in the Mediterranean and the Middle East." In practice,
this translates into its members producing a steady stream of op-eds and reports
that have been good indicators of what the Pentagon's civilian leadership is thinking.
JINSA relishes denouncing virtually any type of contact between the US government
and Syria and finding new ways to demonize the Palestinians. To give but one example
(and one that kills two birds with one stone): According to JINSA, not only is Yasir
Arafat in control of all violence in the occupied territories, but he orchestrates
the violence solely "to protect Saddam.... Saddam is at the moment Arafat's
only real financial supporter.... [Arafat] has no incentive to stop the violence
against Israel and allow the West to turn its attention to his mentor and paymaster."
And if there's a way to advance other aspects of the far-right agenda by intertwining
them with Israeli interests, JINSA doesn't hesitate there, either. A recent report
contends that the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge must be tapped because "the
Arab oil-producing states" are countries "with interests inimical to ours,"
but Israel "stand[s] with us when we need [Israel]," and a US policy of
tapping oil under ANWR will "limit [the Arabs'] ability to do damage to either
of us."
The bulk of JINSA's modest annual budget is spent on taking a bevy of retired US
generals and admirals to Israel, where JINSA facilitates meetings between Israeli
officials and the still-influential US flag officers, who, upon their return to the
States, happily write op-eds and sign letters and advertisements championing the
Likudnik line. (Sowing seeds for the future, JINSA also takes US service academy
cadets to Israel each summer and sponsors a lecture series at the Army, Navy and
Air Force academies.) In one such statement, issued soon after the outbreak of the
latest intifada, twenty-six JINSAns of retired flag rank, including many from the
advisory board, struck a moralizing tone, characterizing Palestinian violence as
a "perversion of military ethics" and holding that "America's role
as facilitator in this process should never yield to America's responsibility as
a friend to Israel," as "friends don't leave friends on the battlefield."
However high-minded this might sound, the postservice associations of the letter's
signatories--which are almost always left off the organization's website and communiqués--ought
to require that the phrase be amended to say "friends don't leave friends on
the battlefield, especially when there's business to be done and bucks to be made."
Almost every retired officer who sits on JINSA's board of advisers or has participated
in its Israel trips or signed a JINSA letter works or has worked with military contractors
who do business with the Pentagon and Israel. While some keep a low profile as self-employed
"consultants" and avoid mention of their clients, others are less shy about
their associations, including with the private mercenary firm Military Professional
Resources International, weapons broker and military consultancy Cypress International
and SY Technology, whose main clients include the Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency,
which oversees several ongoing joint projects with Israel.
The behemoths of military contracting are also well
represented in JINSA's ranks. For example, JINSA advisory board members Adm. Leon
Edney, Adm. David Jeremiah and Lieut. Gen. Charles May, all retired, have served
Northrop Grumman or its subsidiaries as either consultants or board members. Northrop
Grumman has built ships for the Israeli Navy and sold F-16 avionics and E-2C Hawkeye
planes to the Israeli Air Force (as well as the Longbow radar system to the Israeli
army for use in its attack helicopters). It also works with Tamam, a subsidiary of
Israeli Aircraft Industries, to produce an unmanned aerial vehicle. Lockheed Martin
has sold more than $2 billion worth of F-16s to Israel since 1999, as well as flight
simulators, multiple-launch rocket systems and Seahawk heavyweight torpedoes. At
one time or another, General May, retired Lieut. Gen. Paul Cerjanand retired Adm.
Carlisle Trost have labored in LockMart's vineyards. Trost has also sat on the board
of General Dynamics, whose Gulfstream subsidiary has a $206 million contract to supply
planes to Israel to be used for "special electronics missions."
By far the most profitably diversified of the JINSAns is retired Adm. David Jeremiah.
President and partner of Technology Strategies & Alliances Corporation (described
as a "strategic advisory firm and investment banking firm engaged primarily
in the aerospace, defense, telecommunications and electronics industries"),
Jeremiah also sits on the boards of Northrop Grumman's Litton subsidiary and of defense
giant Alliant Techsystems, which--in partnership with Israel's TAAS--does a brisk
business in rubber bullets. And he has a seat on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board,
chaired by Perle.
About the only major defense contractor without a presence on JINSA's advisory board
is Boeing, which has had a relationship with Israeli Aircraft Industries for thirty
years. (Boeing also sells F-15s to Israel and, in partnership with Lockheed Martin,
Apache attack helicopters, a ubiquitous weapon in the occupied territories.) But
take a look at JINSA's kindred spirit in things pro-Likud and pro-Star Wars, the
Center for Security Policy, and there on its national security advisory council are
Stanley Ebner, a former Boeing executive; Andrew Ellis, vice president for government
relations; and Carl Smith, a former staff director of the Senate Armed Services Committee
who, as a lawyer in private practice, has counted Boeing among his clients. "JINSA
and CSP," says a veteran Pentagon analyst, "may as well be one and the
Not a hard sell: There's always been considerable overlap beween the JINSA and CSP
rosters--JINSA advisers Jeane Kirkpatrick, Richard Perle and Phyllis Kaminsky also
serve on CSP's advisory council; current JINSA advisory board chairman David Steinmann
sits on CSP's board of directors; and before returning to the Pentagon Douglas Feith
served as the board's chair. At this writing, twenty-two CSP advisers--including
additional Reagan-era remnants like Elliott Abrams, Ken deGraffenreid, Paula Dobriansky,
Sven Kraemer, Robert Joseph, Robert Andrews and J.D. Crouch--have reoccupied key
positions in the national security establishment, as have other true believers of
more recent vintage.
While CSP boasts an impressive advisory list of hawkish luminaries, its star is Gaffney,
its founder, president and CEO. A protégé of Perle going back to their
days as staffers for the late Senator Henry "Scoop" Jackson (a k a
the Senator from Boeing, and the Senate's most zealous champion of Israel in his
day), Gaffney later joined Perle at the Pentagon, only to be shown the door by Defense
Secretary Frank Carlucci in 1987, not long after Perle left. Gaffney then reconstituted
the latest incarnation of the Committee on the Present Danger. Beyond compiling an
A-list of influential conservative hawks, Gaffney has been prolific over the past
fifteen years, churning out a constant stream of reports (as well as regular columns
for the Washington Times) making the case that the gravest threats to US national
security are China, Iraq, still-undeveloped ballistic missiles launched by rogue
states, and the passage of or adherence to virtually any form of arms control treaty.
Gaffney and CSP's prescriptions for national security
have been fairly simple: Gut all arms control treaties, push ahead with weapons systems
virtually everyone agrees should be killed (such as the V-22 Osprey), give no quarter
to the Palestinians and, most important, go full steam ahead on just about every
national missile defense program. (CSP was heavily represented on the late-1990s
Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States, which was
instrumental in keeping the program alive during the Clinton years.)
Looking at the center's affiliates, it's not hard to see why: Not only are makers
of the Osprey (Boeing) well represented on the CSP's board of advisers but so too
is Lockheed Martin (by vice president for space and strategic missiles Charles Kupperman
and director of defense systems Douglas Graham). Former TRW executive Amoretta Hoeber
is also a CSP adviser, as is former Congressman and Raytheon lobbyist Robert Livingston.
Ball Aerospace & Technologies--a major manufacturer of NASA and Pentagon satellites--is
represented by former Navy Secretary John Lehman, while missile-defense computer
systems maker Hewlett-Packard is represented by George Keyworth, who is on its board
of directors. And the Congressional Missile Defense Caucus and Osprey (or "tilt
rotor") caucus are represented by Representative Curt Weldon and Senator Jon
CSP was instrumental in developing the arguments against the Anti-Ballistic Missile
Treaty. Largely ignored or derided at the time, a 1995 CSP memo co-written by Douglas
Feith holding that the United States should withdraw from the ABM treaty has essentially
become policy, as have other CSP reports opposing the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty,
the Chemical Weapons Convention and the International Criminal Court. But perhaps
the most insightful window on the JINSA/CSP policy worldview comes in the form of
a paper Perle and Feith collaborated on in 1996 with six others under the auspices
of the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies. Essentially an advice
letter to ascendant Israeli politician Benjamin Netanyahu, "A Clean Break: A
New Strategy for Securing the Realm" makes for insightful reading as a kind
of US-Israeli neoconservative manifesto.
The paper's first prescription was for an Israeli rightward economic shift, with
tax cuts and a selloff of public lands and enterprises--moves that would also engender
support from a "broad bipartisan spectrum of key pro-Israeli Congressional leaders."
But beyond economics, the paper essentially reads like a blueprint for a mini-cold
war in the Middle East, advocating the use of proxy armies for regime changes, destabilization
and containment. Indeed, it even goes so far as to articulate a way to advance right-wing
Zionism by melding it with missile-defense advocacy. "Mr. Netanyahu can highlight
his desire to cooperate more closely with the United States on anti-missile defense
in order to remove the threat of blackmail which even a weak and distant army can
pose to either state," it reads. "Not only would such cooperation on missile
defense counter a tangible physical threat to Israel's survival, but it would broaden
Israel's base of support among many in the United States Congress who may know little
about Israel, but care very much about missile defense"--something that has
the added benefit of being "helpful in the effort to move the US embassy in
Israel to Jerusalem."
Recent months in Washington have shown just how influential the notions propagated
by JINSA and CSP are--and how disturbingly zealous their advocates are. In early
March Feith vainly attempted to get the CIA to keep former intelligence officers
Milt Bearden and Frank Anderson from accepting an invitation to an Afghanistan-related
meeting with Defense Secretary Rumsfeld at the Pentagon--not because of what the
two might say about Afghanistan, according to sources familiar with the incident,
but likely out of fear that Anderson, a veteran Arabist and former chief of the CIA's
Near East division, would proffer his views on Iraq (opposed to invading) and Israel-Palestine
(a fan of neither Arafat nor Sharon). In late June, after United Press International
reported on a US Muslim civil liberties group's lambasting of Gaffney for his attacks
on the American Muslim Council, Gaffney, according to a fellow traveler, "went
berserk," launching a stream of invective about the UPI scribe who reported
the item.
It's incidents like this, say knowledgeable observers and participants,
that highlight an interesting dynamic among right-wing hawks at the moment. Though
the general agenda put forth by JINSA and CSP continues to be reflected in councils
of war, even some of the hawks (including Rumsfeld deputy Paul Wolfowitz) are growing
increasingly leery of Israel's settlements policy and Gaffney's relentless support
for it. Indeed, his personal stock in Bush Administration circles is low. "Gaffney
has worn out his welcome by being an overbearing gadfly rather than a serious contributor
to policy," says a senior Pentagon political official. Since earlier this year,
White House political adviser Karl Rove has been casting about for someone to start
a new, more mainstream defense group that would counter the influence of CSP. According
to those who have communicated with Rove on the matter, his quiet efforts are in
response to complaints from many conservative activists who feel let down by Gaffney,
or feel he's too hard on President Bush. "A lot of us have taken [Gaffney] at
face value over the years," one influential conservative says. "Yet we
now know he's pushed for some of the most flawed missile defense and conventional
systems. He considered Cuba a 'classic asymmetric threat' but not Al Qaeda. And since
9/11, he's been less concerned with the threat to America than to Israel."
Gaffney's operation has always been a small one, about $1 million annually--funded
largely by a series of grants from the conservative Olin, Bradley and various Scaife
foundations, as well as some defense contractor money--but he's recently been able
to underwrite a TV and print ad campaign holding that the Palestinians should be
Enemy Number One in the War on Terror, still obsessed with the destruction of Israel.
It's here that one sees the influence not of defense contractor money but of far-right
Zionist dollars, including some from Irving Moskowitz, the California bingo magnate.
A donor to both CSP and JINSA (as well as a JINSA director), Moskowitz not only sends
millions of dollars a year to far-right Israeli settler groups like Ateret Cohanim
but he has also funded the construction of settlements, having bought land for development
in key Arab areas around Jerusalem. Moskowitz ponied up the money that enabled the
1996 reopening of a tunnel under the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, which resulted
in seventy deaths due to rioting.
Also financing Gaffney's efforts is New York investment banker Lawrence Kadish. A
valued and valuable patron of both the Republican National Committee and George W.
Bush, Kadish helps underwrite CSP as well as Americans for Victory Over Terrorism,
an offshoot of conservative activist William Bennett's Empower America, on which
he and Gaffney serve as "senior advisers" in the service of identifying
"external" and "internal" post-9/11 threats to America. (The
"internal" threats, as articulated by AVOT, include former President Jimmy
Carter, Harper's editor Lewis Lapham and Representative Maxine Waters.) Another
of Gaffney's backers is Poju Zabludowicz, heir to a formidable diversified international
empire that includes arms manufacturer Soltam--which once employed Perle--and benefactor
of the recently established Britain Israel Communication and Research Centre, a London-based
group that appears to equate reportage or commentary uncomplimentary to Zionism with
While a small but growing number of conservatives are voicing concerns about various
aspects of foreign and defense policy--ranging from fear of overreach to lack of
Congressional debate--the hawks seem to be ruling the roost. Beginning in October,
hard-line American Enterprise Institute scholar Michael Rubin (to Rubin, outgoing
UN human rights chief Mary Robinson is an abettor of terrorism) arrives at the Pentagon
to take over the Defense Department's Iran-Iraq account, adding another voice to
the Pentagon section of Ledeen's "total war" chorus. Colin Powell's State
Department continues to take a beating from outside and inside--including Bolton
and his special assistant David Wurmser. (An AEI scholar and far-right Zionist who's
married to Meyrav Wurmser of the Middle East Media Research Institute--recently the
subject of a critical investigation by London Guardian Middle East editor
Brian Whitaker--Wurmser played a key role in crafting the "Arafat must go"
policy that many career specialists see as a problematic sop to Ariel Sharon.)
As for Rumsfeld, based on comments made at a Pentagon
"town hall" meeting on August 6, there seems to be little doubt as to whose
comments are resonating most with him--and not just on missile defense and overseas
adventures: After fielding a question about Israeli-Palestinian issues, he repeatedly
referred to the "so-called occupied territories" and casually characterized
the Israeli policy of building Jewish-only enclaves on Palestinian land as "mak[ing]
some settlement in various parts of the so-called occupied area," with which
Israel can do whatever it wants, as it has "won" all its wars with various
Arab entities--essentially an echo of JINSA's stated position that "there is
no Israeli occupation." Ominously, Rumsfeld's riff gave a ranking Administration
official something of a chill: "I realized at that point," he said, "that
on settlements--where there are cleavages on the right--Wolfowitz may be to the left
of Rumsfeld."
This article was published in the issue September 2, 2002 issue of The