Enemy of my enemy
Israel WON real estate in a fair and square war started by Arabs
By Yek Mihan Parast
May 7, 2002
The Iranian
Recently I received a fax copy of Robert Wright's article in reference to land negotiations
between Israel and Arabs at Camp David. And here was a debate as to whether we should
sign a petition labeling Ariel Sharon a war criminal. Interesting reading. But I
failed to see how this writing legitimizes terrorism against the innocent Israeli
public? Many of the victims themselves were in basic disagreement with the context
of Sharon's policies in the first place, even though Sharon's actions are last ditch
efforts to stop 18 months of terrorism.
I fail to see the constructive values of suicide attacks on the civilian public,
on busses, restaurants, grocery stores, agricultural open markets, discothèques,
Bar Mitsvahs, etc. I fail to see how killings of non-military and un-armed people,
newly weds on a date, pregnant mother shopping groceries, old retired people sitting
on benches, can help Palestinian causes. I fail to see what other choice Sharon
had to try and put a stop to these crimes. I fail to see how Sharon should have countered
the attempted smuggling of 50 tons of arms from Iran to Arafat's terrorist thugs.
Let us not forget that subject matter of Barak's land settlement offer involved the
land Israel occupied in the 1967 war, because it was the Arab nations (Egypt, Syria,
Jordan, all of whom had deported hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their
countries) that attacked Israel for the same reasons as they are terrorizing them
today. Their goal has always been to wipe out Israel from the face of the Earth.
Israel won these real estates in a fair and square war that was started by
Arabs. Sinai and Gaza Strip were Egyptian lands, West Bank was Jordanian property,
and Golan Heights belonged to Syria, none of which was Palestinian lands. But these
discussions are out of the context of my argument at this time. My issue here is
with Arabs attitudes toward Iranians.
The media coverage of the Middle East events, and the castigation of Israelis in
Europe and the US, inherently points to the age-old anti-Jewish sentiments imbedded
in Europeans' anti-Semitic sentiments. Taking advantage of these sentiments by increasing
Arab immigrants to those countries, and disguised as an "educational and
intellectual" judgment, is attracting relatively un-informed public to empathize
with the Palestinian cause. With us Iranians, we need to realize how these same Arabs
(Akhunds) have seized power in Iran, worked toward every conceivable anti-Iranian
and pro-Arab policies, extension of the anti-Israeli sentiments to anti-Iranian sentiments,
we necessarily need to examine our resolve.
Rallying for the Palestinians and the Arabs is purely an anti-Israeli move.
Otherwise, the question arises that why didn't these rallies take place when thousands
of Iranian children were sent to the war front with Chinese-made plastic keys to
Heaven? Why when Syria's Hafiz Assad eliminated 20,000 Palestinians didn't the world
get involved? Why when Saddam Hussein gassed 15,000 Kurds to death, no objections
and rallies took place? Why Milosevic's genocide did not spark any rallies? Why the
over one million casualties in Sudan in the past 19 years does not spark a concern?
Add to these, the Chechen events, Indonesia's East Timor massacres, and today's atrocities
by the Iranian clerics, and consider just why there are no worldwide rallies to protest
Can we not conclude that these pro-Palestinian rallies
are tainted with prejudice?
Arabs lie incessantly. They allow their hatred shine through their interviews with
the media night after night. The "massacre of thousands" they yelled
so loudly about, proved to be false accusations, as determined by the UN inspectors.
Wars always entail un-intentional casualties suffered by innocent bystanders,
and in Ramallah it numbered in the tens, and about a hundred or so armed militias.
A look at 18-months of terrorism in Israel, and attacks of September 11 on the U.S.
and of other U.S. Embassies world-wide, numbers in the thousands, all inflicted intentionally.
If Robert Wright's article was sent to prove a point in the light of the
recently circulated petition to declare Sharon a war criminal, I think it failed.
I have been aware of Barak's 91% land offer. I am aware of inconclusive negotiations.
What 's it to us? Let me assure you firstly that my recent communication re Ariel
Sharon was NOT in his defense, nor in the defense of Barak's offer. Rather, considering
the hostile stance of Arabs against Iran for the past 1400 years, and Israel for
past 50 years, one would necessarily have to realize that the cliché, "enemy
of my enemy is my friend" holds true. I am not defending Israelis, but I
AM defending Iran's exposed rear end, which goes to loose independence to Arabs,
and disintegration by the hands of the Akhunds. We are dangerously close to it, judging
by Arab League's anti-Iranian declarations, Baku's recent claims to Iran's Azarbaijan,
and division of the Caspian, not to mention Iraq's eye on Khuzestan and UAE's claims
on the Islands and the ever-present U.S. threat.
Possibly owing to the Book of Esther in the Old Testament, Israel and Israelis have
never harmed Iran and Iranians. They have never hated or harmed Iranians (Israelis
even have the "Purian" celebration coinciding with Norooz, glorifying Iran
and the Persians who allotted them freedom from the Babylonians.) They have never
called Persian Gulf anything else. They have never considered the three Persian Gulf
Islands, Arab properties. They have never called Khuzestan, Arabestan. They have
never assassinated any Iranian politician. They have never voted against Iranian
interests in the UN. They never call Iranians "AJAM". They have never had
jealousies toward Iranians. These are but a few of what have been demonstrated by
Arabs towards Iran for ages. Akhunds' propensity for violence and favoring Arab tendencies
date back to the Safavids era. As children, we were told by Arabs and Akhunds alike
to avoid entering Jewish quarters, because they "killed and ate"
Moslem children, and chanting the inhuman and racist verse "Armani Sag Armani"
(Armenians, Dog Armenians). Remember? These are all that Arabs have incessantly done
to Iran for 1400 years, and are still doing it.
Who do you think are assisting the Akhunds to stay in
power in Tehran? Imported Palestinian fighters of course. (Incidentally, today Iranian
government issued an order requiring "Bsaseejees" to wear the Arabic headdress,
the "chapiyeh".) Whom do you think Iran's treasury is supporting while
Iranians are living under severe poverty? Palestinians and Syrians. So, why are we
trying to discredit the enemy of our enemy by signing these petitions? We have far
worst problems in Iran, and I feel we don't need to be "Kaaseh Daagh tar
az Aash" [hotter bowl than the soup.] Any move to strengthen Arabs' position,
is a vote against Iran and Iranians.
Unfortunately, there are many Iranians who, as children, exposed to brain-washing
by Islamists (and possibly Nazi propaganda during WW2) amongst us, without any logic,
dislike Jewish people, thus allowing any move by Israeli government hit the wrong
cord in their emotions.
Instead, it is more becoming for Iranians to unite and publicize the atrocities
of Iranian Government to the world and collect signatures to condemn Akhunds' crimes
against humanity and leave Israeli problems to those nations that have survived atrocities.
We haven't yet.
Paayandeh Iran