"Mandana was born in Wales in 1967 to her Welsh father
and Iranian Mother. She is a piscean. Tall with brown eyes and brown hair. Her Head
of English encouraged her to take up acting when she was unsure what she wanted to
do with her life. She began building up her CV and one of her first jobs was an usherette
in London's West End. Then she got into drama school (the same school attended by
Bad Girls Series 3 co-star Helen Grace) The Drama School. Her theatre credits include
'Midsummer Nights Dream' at the National in 1992, 'Hove' at the National 1993 and
''Resolution' at the Battersea Arts Centre 1994. Previously she did Julius Caesar
(Compass/No 1 tour), The Merchant of Venice, Volpone (English Shakespeare Company),
(The Merchant of Venice and Volpone, after a visit to the Globe Theatre in Tokyo,
completed a twentyfour week UK tour), Cymbeline/The Wager (Start Here Productions
tour including the Lyric and Birmingham Rep Studios) She was also in a film called
Flesh and Blood."
See Mandana's web
Thanks to Mehran Azhar
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