Sarah Afshar faces a future different from most of her fellow Alpha Gamma Delta sorority
sisters. The new holder of a University of Minnesota degree in finance is committed
to spending the next four years in the U.S. Marine Corps. She not only completed
her college years in the Naval ROTC program, but did so with outstanding results,
including being first in her troop and third in the entire company at last summerís
Marine Corps Officer Training School, the Quantico, Virginia, institution sometimes
called "Bulldog Camp."
Born at the University of Minnesota Hospital, Afshar grew up in Mound, Minnesota,
near Lake Minnetonka. Her parents are both Iranian immigrants. A trip back to Iran
during high school, followed by her ROTC experience, has created patriotism in her.
"I really believe in everything my country stands for," she said. "I
appreciate so much all that I have gained by being able to live here." >>> See
Thanks to Mehran Azhar
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