September 24, 2002
Sher o ver

When Iranians say, "Folaani sher o ver meegeh" they mean "So
and so is talking nonsense." What is the linguistic root of "sher o ver"?
Could it be charivari?
According to, cha·ri·va·ri is from Old
French, perhaps from Late Latin carbaria, headache, from Greek karbari :
kar, head; see ker-1 in Indo-European Roots + barus, heavy; see gwer-1
in Indo-European Roots. Definition: "A mock serenade of discordant noises, made
with kettles, tin horns, etc., designed to annoy and insult."
I bet French-educated Iranians brought "charivari" to Iran as a soghaati
from farang. And then it gradually became "sher o ver". Do you agree? Disagree?
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