Plain politics
Goli Ameri's candidacy should
be regarded as nothing less than a political event
October 22, 2004
Moji Momeni's piece [She's
OK] supporting Goli Ameri's election
to the U.S. House of Representatives, came across very much similar
as a campaign commercial, with a very strong and partisan tone
In fact
I would not
hesitate to assume that you have ignored all principles of spreading
the "Get out
to vote", message in a non-partisan fashion.
First issue that I have problem
with is this
mysterious "we" you constantly refer to. Does this mean we the Iranians,
or we the Oregan Repulican Party supporters? Or maybe it narrows itself
down to we
the Iranian Republicans of the great state of Oregon?!
second issue, is the fact that you have not included a very informitive and
synopsis of your candidate's accomplishements and acheivements, that supposedly
distinguishes her from her opponent and singles her out as such a qualified
individual to become a representative.
And yet you are asking people who
do not live in
thar district one to spread the word to those who are eligible to vote,
particularly the young and impressionabe segment of the population?
Why should they? What is your solid and credible reason for that?
You have failed
to make your case.
It is far from realistic to suggest that Ameri's candidacy should
not be regarded as a political event! It IS an event, and it has
everything to do with politics,
as it's true with all other elections. How can you willingly or unwillingly
such an obvious fact from your call to support?
Apparantly, you have chosen to
turn your back, and ignore
the elephant it the room, that is the dominant presence
of special interest groups in Washington DC and the way
they dictate how each
should vote on a certain issue.
I hate to dissapoint you, but the
story is not as simple as you might think it is, that an elected
representative would
have their constituents's best interest at heart and if they do not
satisfactorily, he or she will simply not earn your, or our vote,
next time around.
The issue
of strong and determined participation in the political
scene in this country is a very valid and appropriate matter
to be
concerned about
and advocated
accordingly. But this process should also remain free of political
influences of the different parties. Decisions should be made by
individuals based on their own opinion
regarding current political and social dillemmas.