Way way off
It it so childish and rediculous to blame cruelty
against women on a supposedly dysfunctional culture
September 28, 2004
In response to Siamack Baniameri's "Number
Not that I am trying to justify Atefeh's death by
hanging and defend IRI's action in this matter. It was brutal
and unjust and inhumane by any accounts. She was as precious as
other teenager in iran or in the world. but your argument in capitalizing
on the wildest aspects her life and how as an overzealous teenager
in that she loved sex and hard-core drinking. Your type of girl
is logically and fundamentally flawed, in susbstantiating your
stance on being bold
and expressing onself.
To equate such desires and tendencies as human's basic and fundamental
neccessities, particulary when it comes to seeking happiness, is
so devoid of validiity and you are so way way off the topic, Mr.
Straight Shooter.
Where do you draw the line between moral decency and the courage
and the conviction of self-expression? What sort of lessons should
such extreme behavor teach, or what kind of example is it supposed
to set for the rest of the teenagers, so long as we advocate and
claim that it would be ok to have a little bit of drinking or sex,
without any established boundries? Is that not like taking them
to the edge of a cliff and tempt them to go ahead and jump and
they will be all right?
Is that not what is happening in our own society, here in the
USA, despite having one of the harshest anti-drinking laws on the
of this planet? Don't you see how many teenager are paying the
price and plunge into their demise?
It it so childish and rediculous to put the burden of such losses
on a supposedly dysfunctional culture and to portray that as a
sign of a malady. In fact, I beleive it is the very existence
of such extremism and demonstrating such passion towards drinking
vodka or wanting to have endless and mindless sex, that triggers
such fanatics as those in iran to undertake such harsh and cruel
Your lack of maturity and substance, comes alive and shines so
bright when you openly embrace the idea of having a drink with
your own teenage sister. How immoral and pathetic of an act is
that. You claim to be a rebel or an outlaw, but you are a rebel
without a cause.
You are promoting, in a very irresponsible way, recklessness,
without you even realizing it. It is you and your groupies who
are actually work behind the scenes to encourage our country's
sons and daughters to try a little bit of this or that just because
in your opinion it is perfectly ok. Do you realize how many houses
and marriages were broken as a result of this resposiblle behavior?
And when someone tries to stop you or forwarn you against its
terrible consequences, not becuase it offends IRI agents and not
because it offends Islam, you have absolutely nothing good or
decent to say for yourself so you resort to use the "F" word.
Whether you are a moderate or hard drinker or sex loving person,
you are emabarking upon a very irrational and risky behavior. This
is what is sick and this is what is so demoralizing. If you want
to be a roughneck and a maverick, cowboy, Hey world! here i come
get the F... out of my way, or who the F... cares what you think
then help yourself, knock yourself out, But keep it restricted
to your own neck of the woods.
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