Haft Khaan
Esmaal Aghaa's Matrimonial Guide
By Esmaal Aaghaa
January 1, 2003
The Iranian
In response to Azam
Khanoom's advice on how to "woo a middle-aged Iranian woman", here's
my effective EEROOONEE Haft-Khaan Matrimonial Guide: Chegooneh az Saro-Kalleh Zadan
beh Saazo-Kel Zadan Bereseem.
Khaan-e avval: Avalleh aashenaaii
First thing you do is a very "Salaamo aleykom, caakerim haaj khaanoom."
Do NOT look her straight in the eye. Sar bezir. Sharmo-hayaa, aaberoo hey-siyyat
baayad hefz besheh!!
For added warmth grab her lop, mildly squeeze it and say "Chettttouri Goozoo?"
Make sure taraf sefid-mefid topol-mopol baasheh before you attempt this.
Agar kayf kard and blushed, you are on the right track. Begoo ey-vallaa!
Agar torsh kard and started talking about hoghoogheh jenseh mo'annas, bi-khiaal aaghaa,
Khaan-e dovvom: Khodemoonee shodan
In order to break the ice, you need to show some initiative. aakheh mardi goftan...
zanee goftan...
Taragh bezan dareh maa-taht-e marbooteh va boland begoo: "AJAB HEKAAYATIYEH!"
Agar goft "evaa... khaak besaram... haaj aaghaa injaa jaash neest"... ey
Agar goft "Stop it / What did you do? / Don't touch me!" and other jiberish,
bi-khiaal aaghaa, bi-khiaal.
Khaan-e sevvom: Sharaayeteh khaanoomeh marbooteh
Bepors "Baladeh mora'ssa'a-polo bepazee?"
Agar javaabesh "ba'leh" bood... ey-vallaaa!!
Agar baahaaneh maahaaneh aavord va khaast baa fesenjoon sareto shireh bemaaleh, bi-khiaal
aaghaa, bi-khiaal.
Khaan-e chaahaarom: Bacheh va zaado valad
Ask her "Jigar... ghorboonet beram (sweetheart-meetheart nagi-yaa!... kheili
yakheh)... chand-sheekam haazeri bezaaee?"
Agar goft 7-8-taaa (ghaddo neem-ghadd)... ey-vallaaa!
Agar goft 1-2-taa.... bi-khiaal aaghaa, bi-khiaal.
Khaan-e panjom: Sheer-bahaa
Az fakko faameelesh miporseen sheer-bahaa cheh ghadeh?
goftan yek jeld kalaamollaah, yek shaakheh gol, ....ahleh mo'aamelan-o mahzar-boro...
Agar goftan talaa malaa mikhaan, donbaaleh pool-moolan, bi-khiaal aaghaa, bi-khiaal.
Khaan-e sheshom: Shabeh hejleh
Agar goftee behesh "Ayzam... savaareh motor sheem bereem mosaaferkhooneh"
va goft "Baasheh", ey-vallaaa....
Agar goft "Berim Hotel-motel va chaampaagne-maampaagne mikhaam," bi-khiaal
aaghaa, bikhiaal!
Khaan-e haftom: Avalleh besmellaah
Give her security. Tell her "Jigaretto bokhoram.... ghorbooneh ghaddo-baalaat
beram (all 4 ft 6 inches of her)... baa hameyeh mokaafaatet mikhaamet!"
EEshaallaa paay-e ham peer sheen!
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