Where I have been, where I am, where I am going
June 10, 2004
I was sitting around the other
day (as I often do), trying to figure out where we have been, where
we are, and most importantly, where we are going.
I don't profess to speak for anybody or any particular
group. I only represent myself and I can assert that after living
with myself
for 45 years I have earned the inalienable right to represent
myself. I may not have been democratically elected but then again,
were no other candidates. I didn't need to campaign. There was
no voting and I won the seat uncontested.
Now what does this position of power entitle me
to? Am I to rant and rave about subjects that don't concern me,
or should I stick
to things near and dear to my heart (and I don't mean the aorta)?
Am I to be subjective in my ranting and raving? Can I generalize,
and if so, to what extent? Am I allowed to make assumptions?
What if my assumptions run contrary to conventional wisdom? Who
the wise guy who came up with the conventional wisdom anyway,
or was it a group of wise guys?
As can be seen, the questions are many and the answers
are few and far in between. But one may ponder whether these questions
are worth answering? Are these valid questions? When was the
I confess. I am taking off on tangents. I shall
attempt to stay focused on the topic at hand. But one question
still lingers.
What is the topic at hand?
Yes I remember. 'Where have we been?' was the first
part of the topic and isn't it interesting that even the topic
is made up of
I don't know and I have no inclination to find out
where you have been. But dear reader, if you don't know where you
have been, please
don't get into anybody's mouth, for you may be contaminated.
I know where I have been. I have been around. I
dare to use a cheap cliché and say that I have 'been there
and done that.' I can even go further than that, and to paraphrase
a famous Southerner.
I can say 'Ain't no place I ain't never been.'
Let's stop the generalities. I ought to be more
specific. Specificity has its place in this world and it is indeed
an exalted place.
Hail to the specifics! Long live the specifiers!
I live my life one day at a time and for me only
today exists. I will now tell you where I have been today.
I have been to the urinal three times and to the
john once. I have been to the water cooler about 5 times. Once
I got cold water and
four times I poured myself some hot water to soak my teabags
in. For lunch I went to this Mexican place nearby that makes killer
sandwiches, with lots of avocados and stuff. I have also been
other people's desks, giving them work or just shooting the breeze
with them. As to 'where I am', I am at my desk
facing the computer and typing with two fingers what amounts to
sheer none-sense. Will the reader
feel offended by it for having invested his precious time in
something so meaningless? I hope not.
And finally 'where I am going.' The answer to that
is 'nowhere in a hurry'. But seriously, I will shortly get into
my car and
drive home. The week is coming to an end, and so is this miserable
piece. .................... Say
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