The OK mullah
Religion, for example, is one thing I have problems with
July 26, 2002
The Iranian
In my old age, I have no tolerance for bullshit anymore. I say it like it is
and I expect a bit of hurtful honesty from those I come in contact with. If I didn't
want a candid answer, I wouldn't be asking the question. I have learned that anyone
telling what I wanna hear is selling something. Well, I ain't buying.
It's pretty cool when you develop skills to incorporate sarcasm, cynicism, and rudeness
in your everyday life. Some call it mid-life crisis, I call it awakening. I simply
refuse to believe anything unless I'm presented with clear facts and evidence that
match my intellectual capacity. Since my intellectual capacity is not above a twelve-year-old,
I just refuse to believe anything I can't clearly see.
Religion, for example, is one thing I have problems with. I personally don't believe
that God, who has created the entire universe and everything in it, needs a smelly,
puny, punk like me to worship her four times a day. Unless of course, she is an egotistical
S.O.B, which is highly unlikely.
I also don't believe you need religion to be a good person. I know plenty of atheists
who are plain good individuals and I know plenty of religious folks who have the
morality of a tennis ball.
Another thing that bothers me about religion is the eagerness of its followers to
preach. If religion were such a good thing, wouldn't it make sense to keep it to
yourself? I mean, everybody knows that once you expose a good thing to the general
public, it will be ruined on the spot.
Speaking of religion, a friend of mine, Jamal, was killed in a car accident a while
back. He was living the high life before he ran his BMW into a tree, killing himself
-- and the tree -- instantly. He was high on drugs and drunk out of his dope. If
it's any consolation to his family, at least he went happy.
His family held a funeral service and reluctantly invited me to attend. Knowing my
past history of running around on a short fuse, the family warned me to stay in the
back and keep my mouth shut during the sermon.
I hate funerals. It reminds me of my own mortality.
The whole idea of being buried under tons of dirt is not appealing to me. What if
the county examiner screwed up and I'm still alive? Perhaps I'm in a coma and they
think I'm dead.
It would suck to come out of a coma and find myself trapped in a box under 10 feet
of mud. That's why, when I die, I would like to have a cell phone placed right next
to my body -- just in case. ("Hello dude, it's me Siamack. Listen, would you
come down to the cemetery and get me out of here. I really need to go to the bathroom.
No I'm not dead. I was just in a coma.")
Jamal's body was rapped in a white sheet and placed in a wooden coffin. The coffin
was placed on top of a metal holder dangling over a big, dark hole. It was a somber
moment. The crowed was gathered around the coffin. I stayed in the back as instructed.
A middle-aged mullah walked towards the coffin and stood right next to it. He looked
emotionless. It was business as usual.
"Jamal was a gift that was given to his parents by God and God took Jamal back
from his parents." The mullah said.
"Oh brother." I whispered in the back.
The mullah turned around and looked at me. Few people coughed and looked away.
"Did you say something?" the mullah said.
"Come on dude." I exclaimed, "you don't give somebody a gift and then
turn around and take it back. That's considered rude. Why would God do something
like that? That just doesn't make sense."
The mullah stared at me momentarily. He then turned his attention back to my dead
friend and continued, "Right now, Jamal is been met by two angels. He will be
asked, 'who is your god?' and he will... "
"Give me a break," I interrupted the mullah. "You talk like you have
been there. How do you know? Have you been dead before? Maybe he is being met by
two midgets with bad teeth or a gang of nasty lesbians. Has anybody been dead and
back to report all that? Did I miss something?"
The mullah looked clearly irritated. Jamal's family was looking at me with their
eyes wide open. Other people started to distant themselves from me.
The mullah swallowed hard and continued, "When you are ready to meet your God,
last words that come to your mind before you die are: God, I am at your mercy."
The mullah stopped and glanced at me as if he was waiting for a comment. The crowd
looked on with anticipation. I was not about to disappoint the flock.
"I'm sorry, but If I'm driving at 120 miles-per-hour
and I'm about to hit a tree, last words on my mind would be more like: 'Oh shit!'"
The mullah walked toward me, grabbed my arm, and whispered in my ear, "Listen
man, I do this part time. I'm a gym teacher at the YMCA and I drive a cab. Why are
you sweating me like this? My wife's cheating on me, my son just told me that he's
gay, my daughter ran away with a motorcycle gang, and I have a hemorrhoid the size
of a watermelon. Would you shut the fuck up and let me finish?"
I was taken aback by the mullah's honesty. He was just another drifter, hustling
to make Franklins like the rest of us. The mullah was OK. I kept my mouth zipped
and let the man finish his job. Honesty can inspire people -- or in my case, it can
certainly get me to shut up for a change.