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Arts & Culture
May 22-26, 2000 / Khordad 2-6, 1379

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May 26, 2000

* Nearly 90 films in 21 fests in one month

Tehran (Ettelaat) -- Sixty-three Iranian feature films and 28 short films were shown at 21 international festivals or cultural centers during the month of Farvardin. Milani's "Two women" and Kiarostami's "The wind will take us there" had more screenings than others >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

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* Qajar era newspapers

Tehran (Ettelaat) -- Iran's print media is 164-years old -- the first 90 years being in the Qajar era. An exhibition in Tehran provides a perspective in Ahmad Shah's palace in Niavaran >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

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* "Some" historic documents have been sold abroad

Tehran (Ettelaat) -- Some historic documents held by individuals have been sold abroad because of lack of regulations and the inability of government archives to purchase them >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

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* Nearly 90 films in 21 fests in one month
* Qajar era newspapers
* "Some" historic documents have been sold abroad

* Pop music or pure music?
* Three books
* Try-outs for Dutch film fest

* No permission needed to make music -- with exceptions
"Drunken Horses" won more than one award
Mythology & Etessami
* Shamlu hospitalized
* Sad aafarin!
* Ancient seals on display
* Iranians big winners at Cannes
* Book: Khuzestan
* Building more libraries

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May 25, 2000

* Pop music or pure music?

Tehran (Hamshahri) -- There's a debate going on about which music is better, Pop music or pure music. But why should one choose one over the other? And do we have a clear understanding about what each one is? >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

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* Three books

Tehran (Hamshahri) -- Three books on Iranian current affairs: a chronology of events leading to President Khatami's election in 1997, a discussion on civilizational dialogue between Islam and Christianity by Mohammad Masjed Jamehie, and Ramin Jahanbaglou's collected artricles about Iran and modernity >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

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* Try-outs for Dutch film fest

Tehran (Hamshahri) -- Dutch film festival officials will review Iranian documentary films in Tehran for possible entry >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

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May 24, 2000

* No permission needed to make music -- with exceptions

Tehran, (Hamshahri) -- Seventy singers and musicians are now allowed to produce music without getting any permission from the Guidance Ministry. But women and Pop music singers are not among them >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

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* "Drunken Horses" won more than one award

Tehran, (Hamshahri) -- Bahman Ghobadi didn't win just win one award in Cannes for "A Time for Drunken Horses" -- but three >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

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* Mythology & Etessami

Tehran, (Honar) -- Al look at mythology in Parvin Etessami's poetry >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

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May 23, 2000

* Shamlu hospitalized

Tehran, (Bahar) -- Poet Ahmad Shamlu has been admitted to hospital once again, due to complications from diabetes >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

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* Sad aafarin!

Tehran, (Bahar) -- President Khatami and Guidance Minister congratulate Samira Makhmalbaf and other Iranian filmmakers for their achivements at Cannes >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

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* Ancient seals on display

Tehran, (Hamshahri) -- For the first time seals as old as 5,000 years have been put on display at the National Museum in Tehran >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

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May 22, 2000

* Iranians big winners at Cannes

CANNES, France (AP) - Danish director Lars von Trier and singer Bjork celebrated joint triumphs and a truce after ``Dancer in the Dark'' won the Palme d'Or in Cannes and the best actress award for the Icelandic musician. Iranian cinema garnered a clutch of awards. The jury prize was tied between 20-year-old Samira Makhmalbaf of Iran for ``Blackboard'' >>> FULL TEXT

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* Book: Khuzestan

Tehran, (Hamshahri) -- Mousa Siyadat's "History of Khuzestan since the Afshar period" has just been published. It describes the history of two main tribes in the province: The Arabs and the Bakhtiaris >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

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* Building more libraries

Tehran, (Hamshahri) -- The government is spending three billion tomans to buy books for libraries this year. It is also planning to build 400 new libraries during the next five years >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

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* Pasikhani, Mahnaz: Untitled


* Faramarzi, Vina: Untitled


* Haji, Ali: Untitled


* Ossouli, Farah: Untitled


* Haghighi, Mahtab: Untitled

 Art links

* Museum of Contemporary Iranian Artists

* Golestan gallery (Tehran)

* Elaheh Gallery (Tehran)

* Gallery Ovissi
(San Francisco)


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