Swiss diplomat arrested on sex charges


PRESS TV: The First Secretary of the US Interests Section of the Swiss Embassy in Tehran is released after being arrested on sexual abuse charges. According to Iranian police, the diplomat had an indecent sexual relation with an Iranian woman in his car in public after promising her marriage, Iranian daily Entekhab said Thursday on its online edition>>>

02/06/2009 - 13:44

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What the Heck?

by Brian (not verified) on

We have all your condoms!

Let's see the clip on YouTube!


Swiss diplomat arrested on sex charges

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

some subjects are so serious that ttey make poeple laugh.
The respectable (marriage - ) swindler could have taken t
his love home. Why in the public? Likewise diplomates do not count to VIPs in the Islamic republic of Iran. The honourable Iranian society and that country have a sense for SHARAF and GHAIRAT. There is in fact nothing to laugh. The Pic and comment deviate the thoughts from the facts. However She/He who can only in car better not go to Iran. The comment slunders and is a defamatory to temporary marriage. by the way: the arrested Diplomate is of mail sex. Why we have taken a female hier? This is also one of my many many questions of no answer.Greeting

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Akh cheghad khandeedam :o))))