Support for Gaza


Iranian phone bill showing a customer being charged for "supporting Gaza". Does anyone know how much the actual charge is?


05/03/2009 - 23:02

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by capt_ayhab on

I wish that these  private donations were used for real humanitarian purposes, BUT we all know that all these FORCED DONATIONS[Baj and Kharaj] are being used for  arms and killings rather than school and medicine and such.




Its on Volunteer Bases

by asefati on

You can support causes in Iran and add it to your phone bill since there is no working credit system in Iran people can make their partial payments on their electricity bill.




That is true

by Anonymous-HN (not verified) on

Majid jan I agree with what you wrote. Sometimes Abarmard has his bad days and starts posting weird comments like the ones of today or saying that "we have different nationalities in Iran" which is used usually by Pan-turks.


ابر مرد........



اولاً اجازه بده شما رو «تو» ی دوستانه خطاب کنم، غیر از این زیادی رسمی میشه و بقول معروف میگه......تعارف کم کن و بر مبلغ افزا........

تو در اکثریت قریب به اتفاق کامنت هات آدم منصفی هستی و یکی از هموطن هایی هستی که کامنت هات «خوندنی و راجع بهش فکر کردنی » هست، ولی ندرتاً عقاید و جبهه گیری هات یه جوری میشه که من یا باید از خودت بپرسم (مثل الآن)، و یا باید برای مدتها کله ام رو بخارونم و فکر کنم که............ها؟؟؟

اولاً راجع به این مورد بخصوص.......

چند دفعه ظرف سی سال گذشته موردی رو سراغ داری که حکومت از مردم و یا از نماینده های ( انتصخابی ) مردم سئوال کرده باشه که..... آهای مردمی که مارو انتخاب « مادام العمر بدون حق برگشت و رفراندم و هزار کوفت و زهر مار دیگه» کردین........... ( ما ) بخاطر حفظ قدرت و منصب و.........از طرف  (شما ) و بدون نیاز به تصویب (شما)  تصمیم گرفتیم که میلیون ها میلیون دلار از پول نفتی که باید در این مملکت نفرین شده خرج بشه رو ارسال کنیم برای چار تا رژیم واخورده تر از خودمون تا شاید به حول و قوّه الهی در مجامع بین المللی مثل سگ گر گرفته تنها نباشیم و حمایت کشور های عظیمی مثل بنین، جیبوتی، بورکینا فاسو و چاد و رهبران قابل احترامی مثل خالد مشعل و هوگو چاوز و حسن نصرالله و.........رو در کنار خودمون داشته باشیم، از اونجایی که انگار نه انگار در دنیا بیشتر از یک و نیم میلیارد مسلمون دیگه غیر از شما هفتاد میلیون وجود داره که وابستگی نژادی «عرب» و مذهبی«سنی» بیشتری از شما ایرانی های کاسه داغتر از آش با برادران فلسطینی دارند  ( از مالزی، اندونزی و سنگاپور بگیر تا امارات و عربستان سعودی و کویت و اردن و لیبی و مصر و سوریه و ..............

این وظیفه ایست که بر دوش شما ایرانی ها « که نه سنی و نه عرب» هستید گذاشته شده و چون شما یک مشت «سفیه» هستید که نیاز به زعامت و رهبری ما «فقها»دارید، فلذا ما به نیابت مادام العمر از طرف شما هر جور تاخت و تازی که دلمون خواست میکنیم، مجتمع مسکونی در ونزوئلا میسازیم حتی اگه امّت اسلامی ایران  حاشیه نشین هستند و کاخهای متعددی در حلبی آباد ها دارن .....کارخونه تو نیکاراگوا میسازیم...گور پدر کارمندان نیشکر هفت تپه که ماههاست حقوق نگرفتن.......سر شما رو با «یا روسری یا تو سری» گرم میکنیم، به حساب آبروی چند هزار سالهء شما امت نجیب در محافل جهانی اولدوروم بولدوروم میکنیم  و  وقتی هم که عرصه واسمون تنگ شد...............شما رو بخیر و ما رو به سلامت ..............

راستی یادم افتاد.........از همه این حرف ها گذشته  تو فلسطین مسئله انسانیت انسان مطرحه و ما  «باید» نشون بدیم چقدر این موضوع برای ما حائز اهمیت هست، حد اقل بهمون اندازه که فلسطینی ها زمان جنگ با عراق کنار ما برادران ایرانی ایستادند!

 پی اس

هواداران رژیم .........درسته شب جمعه است ولی اگه با نظرات من مخالفین بالا غیرتاً خواهر مادر ، زن و بچه و اموات من رو راحت بگذارین، نه سکس با نوامیس من و نه لرزوندن اسکلت های در گذشتگان، ممنون



by Anonymous-Sohrab (not verified) on

Dorood bar to hamvatan. Well said. Bravo! They are not Iranians, definitely.


I love Israel

by Anonymous-Kaveh (not verified) on

I love Israelis and I'll support them defending their country and their rights. They are our brothers and sisters. God bless Iran and Israel.



by Anonymous-yavar (not verified) on

Why some Iranians are kaaseh dagh-tar az ash? There are more than 200 million Arabs and to be fair they should care more about their palestinin brother and sister. Why should we Iranians(kasseh dagh-tar az ash) make for us more enemy and endanger our people and our land.



by Anonymous-^^^ (not verified) on

It is interesting to see that some Iranians care more about Palestine than their own country. As Ferdosi once said, "Az Irany va turk va Arab nasslee dar Iran bh vojood meeayad kh na Irany ast, na turk, na Arab, va az hameenja anhetateh jameah(society) shoroo meeshavad" , va hameentor kh meebeneem he was right.


A Thousand Years of Misery

by Anonymous-Patriot (not verified) on

A thousand years of misery, regression and injustice under the Arab culture is not enough to check the outpouring of so called Iranians bleeding hearts who cry over the "palestinian brothers!!!". It is not enough that Arabs enslaved Iran, they attacked our culture and our Iranian identity. These are what make us who we are.

Under the Arab regime we can't dress as we would, sing the songs of our friendly culture, speak our open minds and pray as we desire to our own god. Every atrocity against the people is now justified under the Arab-Mullah religion. So those who are beating their chest crying for their Arab brothers and sisters are either non-Persians or are truly unread.

I admire the Jews for standing up to the Arabs and so will Iranians someday soon.


"We love them there it is fair and humane" ?

by Jesus (not verified) on

I will judge you based on how you treat the least among you. I do not know if IRI is fair and humane for anybody, let alone the religious minorities specially Bahia’s and do not forget Gays.



by Anonymous%%% (not verified) on

Are you spending from kesseh kalefeh? There are lot of Arab countries which they can choose to live.


agha Mustafa for the sake of humanity and justice


our Palestinian brothers and sisters are living in their own country!  Perhaps for the sake of humanity we can ask their occupiers to go back to the countries they came from.  Although you could always encourage Iranian Jews who have migrated to Israel to go back to their ancient country, Iran.  We love them there and it is fair and humane!


"Wow" who is responsible for the massacre in Gaza?


It is interesting, isn't it, that the Zionist criminals and their accomplices have become exposed in front of the whole world, the whole world is outraged, but the Zionists' 'persian' puppets that match their masters in bigotry and racism.


For the sake of humanity, Why not

by Mustafa (not verified) on

I am recommending for Iranian government to welcome our Palestinian brothers and sisters to migrate to Iran for ever. This way, lots of lives will be saved on both sides. Iran is big and resourceful and can afford to place them in permanently. Remember that one they, without exception, every one of us will leave this earth and will proceed to the next destination. Everything will be left behind including our bodies.


ضرورت پاسداشت حريم روحانيت

روحانيت (not verified)

دفتر پژوهش و بررسيهاي خبري-روح الله جمعه اي*:دشمنان انقلاب اسلامي با درک صحيح از جايگاه روحانيت سعي دارند ضمن گسستن رشته هاي پيوند ميان مردم و روحانيت ، شبکه سراسري و منسجم توحيد خواهي و ظلم ستيزي را منهدم کنند.

پيروزي انقلاب اسلامي ايران مرهون رشادت و مجاهدت بي نظير و شجاعانه روحانيت بوده است ، نقش پيامبر گونه روحانيت در بيداري و هوشياري ايرانيان همواره مورد توجه و نظر بوده است به گونه اي که هيچ صاحب نظر و حتي منتقد منصفي غافل از نقش بي بديل روحانيت در تاريخ ايران زمين نبوده است اين جايگاه منحصر به انقلاب اسلامي نبوده و ريشه هاي تاريخي آن مويد اين مطلب است و محدود به اين زمان نيز نخواهد بود و تا روحيه دين مداري و توحيد خواهي ايرانيان زنده است روحانيت ظرفيت بالايي را براي هدايت جامعه به خود اختصاص مي دهد .
بررسي کوتاه و اجمالي به عمق و ميزان دشمني هاي دشمنان ايران و انقلاب اسلامي ما را به اين مهم رهنمون مي سازد که روحانيت هدف مهم و محوري استعمارگران و مستکبران بوده و مي باشد ، چه بسيار هزينه هاي هنگفت صرف مبارزه علني و پنهان با روحانيت و تزلزل در اين جايگاه رفيع شده است ، به جرات مي توان گفت دشمنان انقلاب اسلامي با درک صحيح از جايگاه روحانيت سعي دارند ضمن گسستن رشته هاي پيوند ميان مردم و روحانيت ، شبکه سراسري و منسجم توحيد خواهي و ظلم ستيزي را منهدم کرده و با ايجاد شکاف ميان روحانيت و مردم پايه هاي ولايت فقيه را در کشور سست نمايند .
البته در اين ميان برخي عناصر کم ظرفيت و مزدور اقدام به سرقت جامه و پوشش روحانيت نيز کردند که با توجه با انسجام روحانيت و پشتوانه مذهبي آنها تلاش مذبوحانه اين جمع اندک و ناچيز نتوانست به جايگاه روحانيت خللي وارد سازد ليکن متاسفانه نکته قابل تالم و تاثر هم نوايي عناصر فعال در نظام جمهوري اسلامي مبتني بر ولايت فقيه است که ناآگاهانه و صرفا به دليل غليان احساسات و عدم کنترل هيجانات و يا درک ناقص از دين گرفتار عجب و خودبرتر بيني شده و پنچه در چهره پيشکسوتان مبارزه با ستمشاهي و پيروزي انقلاب اسلامي و روحانيت مبارز انداخته اند .
اين اقدام با هر نيتي که صورت پذيرد قطعا هم سوئي با دشمنان بوده و مخالفت آشکار با آموزه هاي بنيانگذار انقلاب اسلامي مي باشد . با کمال تاسف اخيرا به بهانه انتخابات برخي هواداران احساساتي و کم توجه در جايگاه هاي متفاوت در قالب هواداري از نامزدهاي انتخاباتي جامه فقه و اخلاق به تن کرده و روحانيت را مورد هجمه و هدف قرار داده اند ، به کار بردن عبارات سخيف و ناپسند ، ايراد اتهامات بي پايه و اساس و شايعه پراکني و دروغ پردازي نسبت به روحانيت و به دنبال آن سهم خواه نشان دادن آنها لطمات ناچيزي به نظام و ولايت فقيه نيست که براي هواداري از نامزدها به روش هاي مذموم مذکور پناه برده شود .
روحانيت مبارز هيچ گاه وامدار دستجات سياسي و قدرتمدار نبوده است و هيچ سهمي نيز جز تقويت دينداري و خدامحوري از دولتمردان نخواسته است و تاريخ انقلاب نشان داده است که مقاطع مختلف انتخاباتي و اجراي و تقنيني مي آنيد و مي روند ولي روحانيت همچنان استوارتر از گذشته مقاوم در برابر نظام سلطه ايستاده است و رو سياهي براي روحانيت ستيزان باقي مانده است .


These videos show what IRI money buys for Gaza.

by wow (not verified) on

These videos show what IRI money buys for Gaza.


Are we Arabs? Ask Ahuramazda!


I agree with you Abarmard.  Sad as it is, I always appreciate it when these discussions are boiled down to their essence.   

I wonder what Ahura Mazda would think of this and whether he would give his blessing to this.....



Are we Arabs?

by Abarmard on

If you are a good human being and an Arab you are far more superior that a Persian or American who has no conscious.

I would love to be a good Arab than a horrible Persian any day. That's what my culture has thought me. refer to my last comment about political or racial agendas.


Are we Arabs?

by Anonymous-Patriot (not verified) on

Dariush says it well. Arabs are the 1000 year enemies of Iranians. But are Iranians same as Arabs? Any idiot can tell the difference except Ahmaghynejad and the rest of the Arabs running Iran today.
Iran and Israel share a common foe. We need to collaborate to overcome the problem rather than pretend we are Arabs too (we know the Mullahs are all Arabs but this is not true for the masses of Iran). Ahuramzada's blessing on all the persians wherever they may be. Amen!


What about our own people?

by Dariush123 (not verified) on

Our own people are going through hard time right now. Why would we should help people who conspired against us with Iraqi’s as early as a few years ago? These Arabs do not like us; they have always been hostile to Iran and Iranians, just look at history. We should be on the side of Israeli’s not Arabs.


Thank you friends- Watching the videos opened my wounds

by Abarmard on

Thank you for bringing the reality in to the heads of some of us. I did not respond to many of the comments directly because I don't believe for one minute that anyone is unaware about the realities, but instead they choose to putting their head in the snow, reason is political for some and racial for others.

The political and racist views of some of us has been clouding the eyes to see what is happening around the globe and who is truly to blame.

But that's OK, this too shall pass. Many of us are hopeful because of those who are conscious and value the life and humanity not based on their political agenda.


AN This might meet your very high standards


of what qualifies as atrocities



You are looking for headless children .. use your head!


The help is not obligatory!  However, I am hopeful that people in Iran, despite their opposition or support for the government, have upheld human values of compassion and generosity and many many have helped voluntarily.  Needless to say, I do not believe any help has been obligatory on this telephone bill.  It does not indicate that at all.  Do we see any figure and if not, why not?

As for 'headless children' in Gaza, many children were killed by horrific injuries.  Here are some videos of the mainstream paper, the Guardian, so pretty 'mainstream images' too! 









It does not take any imagination to know what sort of horrific injuries and what tragic and painful deaths.  If one is cynical enough to want to see the images of headless children to believe it happened, then I will leave them to it to search, and search their conscience too.  What is needed to find the headless children is to use one's head.


Anonymous Fish:

by BabakS (not verified) on

Apparently you have not been aware of the world events and it seems like the American education system has failed you like many others. You're asking where the headless children were? didn't you see your friend Zion's war porn? Why does the old fart like YOU keep on kissing murderer ( Jews) a** so much?



Why ..Why.....

by Sara1300 (not verified) on

why we are helping then when our own needed more! i just don't get it .... as for the image can anyone remember iran war.... does any one know how many children were killed and no one know thier come no one talk about them b/c there is no picture???... i was a child during that time but please....think about what happened to iran....please help iran first.....



by IRANdokht on

"powerful Palestinian controlled media" just killed me

I agree with you guys, if there is a choice, then it's ok. How come the numbers are missing from the picture Hajji Ebi? This list alone doesn't mean they actually had charged for it. Many of those items are optional on that list.




by Abarmard on

I want to appologize to have made some people upset here.

I realize that all the so called killing are empty propaganda by the powerful Palestinian controlled media.


Abarmard finds it comical, too.

by wow (not verified) on

Lack of choice is the norm in IRI’s Iran. I am glad you find it comical. Of course, comparing to all other thing that are shoved down the throats of Iranian; this must be so insignificant.



by Majid on

I don't know when you left Iran and what were you doing before you left, but if you were employed by government or major companies THEY would donate on your behalf and assign a portion of your monthly paychek (sometimes as much as 2 or 3 days pay and in one occasion ONE WEEK!!!) for " komak be manaategh e jangi, baaz saazi e ......, komak be ommat e Felestin, rooz e ghods, etc..." and you think you had guts to say "to hell with ommat e Felestin when I can't make ends meet here at home?"

No my friend, you were immediately labled as "Zedd e enghelaab" and "Avaamel e sar sepordeh ye taaghoot" !!!!

Been there!  



by 1 Hamvatan (not verified) on

MR. Abarmard- I have a question for you. when you say headless, do you mind people with no head as in no brain? We have plenty of them in Iran as well. If you mean dead children, why would you send money to dead people?