OMID: The Original Sin

01/08/2008 - 14:19


Well, I remember he likes to post on.....

by Nadias on

anything about the Shah. I will keep an eye on it and let you know.

I just found a post on him on the Shah's last words. I knew, he could not resist it. It was the first place I looked.



Kouroush Sassanian

he posted

by Kouroush Sassanian on

on Khoemini video post!

Rosie T.

Nadia, Omid, KS--Colonel Hemayat is back...

by Rosie T. on

I've seen him active on my message center yesterday and today. But I haven't been able to find him and I can't track him because he has no submissions.  If you run into him in cyberspace will you please let me know on which thread he is posting.  I need to find him.  I love him.  He's my Father--the eternal, irrascible, canterkerous soldier Father.  Pedaram.  And ya know something funny, that no one understands...and so I never mention it in all the discussions--that's also the reason I defend the Shah.

Rosie Tozih

Explanation of Pedar PS KS, he makes YOUR Aryan Muslim-bashing sound like a Hostess twinkie.

Nadias is some Gloria for you and a little Jaci

by Nadias on

 Gloria Estefan: no llores


Laura Branigan: Gloria


Jaci Velasquez: Como se cura una herida




Rosie T.

Behesht o jahan....yeksaan ast

by Rosie T. on

And the ice chandelier of the closed-in spheres, dead or alive, hidden lies 

Coated in thick polished coffin depths of dark uninlaid with death.

Oh host!  Shine down the wine on the lamplight.

Day and night are one.

                              (Zemestaan, translation mine...)

Yes it's true, they are one.  And Nadia is most welcome there. Don't think just because there's three of you that you can boss her around, Kouroush.

Kouroush Sassanian

You did not apply to my version . . .

by Kouroush Sassanian on

nor would you be accepted were you to apply, because we never play Gloria. I do, however, respect her comeback after her accident.


Kouroush thanks but no thanks.

by Nadias on

I don't recall applying to your version of the world.




Anonymous single .........interesting angle on........

by Nadias on

a person's name. How original.



Kouroush Sassanian

Heaven . . .

by Kouroush Sassanian on

Heaven and Hell is right here, so all have applied and all are accepted! Behesht o jahanam koseh shierhe!


Rainbow colors everywhere

by Heaven (not verified) on

To all straight people: In Heaven there are rainbow colors everywhere. So, if you don’t like it don’t apply.

Omid Hast


by Omid Hast on


Kouroush Sassanian

You are welcome!

by Kouroush Sassanian on

Well, the rainbow colors stand for koonee pride! That's all! I mean they could have been Adam and Steve or Adam va Jalal!

I love khorma with some bacon and blue cheese, befarmaeen!

I am thinking about changing it, so you will do all that work for nothing. Thanks for the offer!

Rosie bechareham ke dar raft, ay baba!


Translation of (smile's Hafez's poem

by Translator (not verified) on

Very appropriate choice of poem.
"My father sold Heaven’s bereavement for two grains of wheat

It would be irresponsible of me if I don’t sell it for one grain of barley"


To Anonymous-Single=Hajiagha

by Anti-Hajiagha (not verified) on

Hey Haji, dream on about blue-eyed blond women. Dream is all you've got.

Omid Hast


by Omid Hast on


Omid Hast

To Kouroush: it's hard to tell

by Omid Hast on

  • The apple is the apple of the Apple Computer Inc., which has a bite taken off of it already by Steve Jobs, who might be the snake.  It's hard to tell.
  • Adam and Eve’s bushes are covered by the bushes, so no puritan Iranians would be offended in this ‘family’ oriented website.
  • Why would YOU wonder if the Apple was homosexual?  :O) Don’t get mad now!
  • One big apple tree and some khorma (date fruit) trees.


Kourous, I can fix your avatar (72x72), but you have to have a contact link, and I have to email it to you.

Thank you for what you posted on my other cartoon just before the New Year.

Take care,


پدرم روضه رضوان

smile (not verified)

پدرم روضه رضوان به دو گندم بفروخت ..... نا خلف باشم اگر من به جوی نفروشم



hello danias

by Anonymous single (not verified) on

why this women in your cartoons drawing not blond hair and blue eyes?

Kouroush Sassanian

Did the Serpent have legs before the bite?

by Kouroush Sassanian on

The Apple seems to have a missing piece  or a bite mark.  So, it does appear the serpent has already lost his limbs for aiding and abitting Hava in covering up her koos.

And, I wonder if the Apple was homosexual?

Are those palm trees or khorma?

Well, have a good day!


So, I take it then that it is a vice?

by Nadias on




Orang Gholikhani


by Orang Gholikhani on
