01/16/2008 - 15:36


Interesting view.........

by Nadias on

so according to Just me there is a great Humanitarian underneath that Chicken cloak of Omid Hast. I see then the man is in denial.

Like Rosita has said in the past "Greatness has been thrust upon him" whether he likes it or not.


solh va doosti


PS: The movie Chicken Run is one of my mom's ultimate favorite movies. She finally wore out the VHS tape. (Note to self: Buy mother a new Chicken Run movie)  :o) 


to Omid Hast

by just me (not verified) on

Omis jan, about passing the checkenish culture to the next generation. I hope you see the Movie that came out few years ago. I think it's called chicken farm. The story is about the chickens who wanted to free themselves from abusing farmer. They put their hand and minds together and build a airplane and scape the abusing farmer. Even these chicken couldn't take the abuse anymore and they realized that enough is enough. Omid to be a champion of the world you have to sacrifize many thing in your personal life. You have to train hard and have a discipline. i think you have a admire resolve in you and a hiding courage within you otherwise you wouldn't play with lion's tai. whom who draw this kind of political statements must be a man with a idea to make the life better for others.



by Nadias on




there were chickens everywhere, they were roosting in the corners,






by Nadias on



Good Job Omid

by farrad02 on

I'm surprised Jahanshah hasn't deleted this yet!!!

Omid Hast

To be omid hast

by Omid Hast on

  LOL, dude what I said about “"beri payeh karet" started with a big IF in the beginning of the sentence.  That means that I know that you like these cartoons but acting as if you don’t.  I do realize that some people get on nerves sometimes and I have been trying to get my behavior under control.  Thank for the advise.  I am glad I could make some people laugh.  seppas,

Omid Hast

To just me

by Omid Hast on

I like your…, well… I like your… I like your comment; yes I like your comment.  OK, I was receptive to compliment and returned in kind, so far so good.  So, let me see if I understand your comment correctly, you want OTHERS to stand for YOUR rights and get themselves hurt or killed.  Is that correct?  I saw Osanloo’s video clip last night, that man has balls.  And Ganji and others too.  But to me life is the most precious commodity in the universe, and slow death is better than death, that’s for me, for others it might be different.  So, I don’t go around and pretend like I am a lion any more.  I should have stayed with my pussycat avatar.  If it weren’t for that effeminate comment I would not have changed it.  I was forced to go from cat to lion to me with hair and then to me without hair.  But what I really like the best for my avatar is that unregistered chicken.  Yes, because he knows who he is and he doesn’t care.  He goes around doing his own business, a free ranger too.  Several recent studies have shown that chickens are bright animals, able to solve complex problems, demonstrate self-control, and they worry about the future too. Chickens are smarter than cats or dogs and even do things that have not been seen in mammals other than primates.  Chickens are capable of understanding cause and effect, and when they learn something new, they pass on that knowledge to others, that is to say they have what scientists call culture.  So, to all the chickens out there, don’t be down on yourself so much. But anyway, I would teach children about justice if I could find a way to get them stop watching that damn Disney Channel.


this is not funny

by XerXes (not verified) on

My mother's second husband after the revolution was a Mullah. So, what .. . Mullahs are good people! He bought me lots of candy growing up.


my goodness

by be omid hast (not verified) on

hala digeh ehtiyaj beh vodka hey omid "be moo", That's cool. I'll come here more often. But try to be brave and let people say what they want and do not tell them "beri payeh karet". It is not your website dude and if you put something up on a public forum then expect nice and nasty comments. I like your bold reply. hehehe.

Omid Hast


by Omid Hast on



To Omid Hast

by just me (not verified) on

I believe in standing for your right for whatever's better than slow death. When and how are we going to teach our children to fight for injustice and how long this culture of tolerance must continue? Although i like your cartoon..



by bambi (not verified) on

ey vayyyy! tooyeh hamin yeki do roozeh cheh beh roozet oomad keh moohat hamash rikhteh?!

Jeesh Daram

So clever

by Jeesh Daram on

this will continue to be one of the best work in satire...


So funny!

by azarin sadegh (not verified) on

Great job Omid!

As usual, it is so funny, and intelligent at the same time! I am sending it to everyone in my address book...



Man kachalam

by Peer O'Kachal (not verified) on

Dear "Omid", this particular cartoon of yours is very thoughtful and funny, if not sarcastic. To me cartoons do not necessarily have to be animations, as long as they convey a meaning by satirising the subjects.



by photo shop developer (not verified) on

You know this is not a cartoon, did you use photoshop to sketch this drawing? I thought cartoons are suppose to look funny and represent a person for something. This drawing is not a cartoon at all. Well that's fine do what pleases you. You don't care.
Also, your avatar does not represent a cartoonist. BTW, are you bold kechall? I've heard it. ok bye.

Omid Hast


by Omid Hast on


Omid Hast


by Omid Hast on




by Anonyed (not verified) on




by just me (not verified) on

I hate this guy but in a way i actually admire him. He is the intelligent one who can rule over the country over 70 million people POUR AZ ADEA. we are the stupid one and khar..Dumb and Dumber..



by (not verified) on


Link at


All the best



that was brilliant! lol!

by bambi (not verified) on

that was brilliant! lol!


ma keh chizi nafahmideem...:(

by be omid hast (not verified) on

pedar maro dar ovardi ba in cartoonat. I need to get a big bottle of Russian vodka and then look at your cartoons. ya to khengi ya man!? bishtar toyee. lol


So funny

by She (not verified) on

You made my day. Thanks.


Very funny!

by Proud to be anonymous (not verified) on

Thank toy Omid Hast; I needed the laugh today.

Kouroush Sassanian


by Kouroush Sassanian on

Thanks Omid!