I wondre if the suitcase with M Frank written on it, belongs to Margot Frank, Ann Frank's sister. I don't remember if she was sent to Auschwitz, or not but I would be surprise to fide that there were more than on Frank family in Holland
JJ, next time you go to Amsterdam you might want to visit the house they hid in, another extremely tragic story.
And of course her diaries are a must read for anybody who has not read them yet. Extremely powerful and human where young Ann describes in detail her thought and emotions and what she and her family had to go through during the years they were in hiding.
by Princess on Fri Sep 10, 2010 08:56 AM PDTI wondre if the suitcase with M Frank written on it, belongs to Margot Frank, Ann Frank's sister. I don't remember if she was sent to Auschwitz, or not but I would be surprise to fide that there were more than on Frank family in Holland
JJ, next time you go to Amsterdam you might want to visit the house they hid in, another extremely tragic story.
And of course her diaries are a must read for anybody who has not read them yet. Extremely powerful and human where young Ann describes in detail her thought and emotions and what she and her family had to go through during the years they were in hiding.