
Photo essay: Largest Nazi death camp near Krakow, Poland



Miss Behave


by Miss Behave on

Yes, I do. It is tempering with evidence and is wrong if not illegal. People need to be able to trust that what they see in Auschwitz is not tempered with. Ten years from now no visitor will know when this was carved.

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

"Miss Behave": These words were carved by a recent visitor. More than a million people visited Auschwitz just last year. Do you mind if one of them felt emotional enough to scribble this down?

Miss Behave


by Miss Behave on

If this was carved 65 years ago should the contrast not be much smaller by now? I don't buy this one.

What happened was tragic enough no need for sensationalism based on fake evidence.