This SABZ movement is actully trying to get ride of Khamenehi and give power to Moosavi who was jireh-khar of this regim for a 32 years and to give power to Karoobi who is another shameless akhoond e bi hame chiz?? How come everything was fine till last year.. everone did their bechap- bechap but all of a sudden Moosavi doesn't win government and OMG,,,he starts a revolution?? Poor my country men whom for the lack of a real leader have to follow such 2 face rats. Someday you will know what I am talking about.
Are you in the front line of the movement INSIDE IRAN? If you are, my hat's off to you. If you're not, better shut it and think of saving your motherland from the cancer of clergy and Islam - Yes Islam. Or else, your children and their children may be speaking arabic in the near future as their "official" language!
What arabs could not do is being finished off by Iranians themselves, at least they are supposedly Iranians. Their flag, though, says otherwise......
I don't get it,,
by Tehran on Mon Feb 28, 2011 06:31 PM PSTThis SABZ movement is actully trying to get ride of Khamenehi and give power to Moosavi who was jireh-khar of this regim for a 32 years and to give power to Karoobi who is another shameless akhoond e bi hame chiz?? How come everything was fine till last year.. everone did their bechap- bechap but all of a sudden Moosavi doesn't win government and OMG,,,he starts a revolution?? Poor my country men whom for the lack of a real leader have to follow such 2 face rats. Someday you will know what I am talking about.
KamRam Jaan
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Tue Feb 22, 2011 07:44 AM PSTZiadam joosh nazan Aziz. in taazeh avale kaare....
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
Mr Kamyar Ramyar
by Cost-of-Progress on Tue Feb 22, 2011 05:16 AM PSTShe is doing her part - what do you do?
Are you in the front line of the movement INSIDE IRAN? If you are, my hat's off to you. If you're not, better shut it and think of saving your motherland from the cancer of clergy and Islam - Yes Islam. Or else, your children and their children may be speaking arabic in the near future as their "official" language!
What arabs could not do is being finished off by Iranians themselves, at least they are supposedly Iranians. Their flag, though, says otherwise......
Cheers pal.
Love this photo
by Rea on Tue Feb 22, 2011 04:25 AM PSTThese eyes are meant to conquer the world.
Iranians abroad
by Kamran Ramyar on Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:39 PM PSTAZ DOUR NESHASTEH MIGEH LENGESH KON!!!!!!!U