
This car has been manufactured for Crown Prince, Reza Pahlavi and only 1 of these cars has been manufactured ever. Since Reza was young at the time; it has a speed control system with two switches; with the first one, maximum speed is 30 Km/h but when the second switch is used; maximum speed will be 170 Km/h, so it prevented Crown Prince from having accidents.

Photo essay: Tehran to Tabriz to nature




You think it was a bit too much

by Alborzi (not verified) on

It has always puzzled me, for a nation that was not religious at all,( heck the first
time I heard the name Khomeini was when the revolution happened), so how did the revolution happened. The thing was that these guys were more like Michael Jackson, they lived in a fantasy land. The problem with this fantasy was the guy was the guy who made the rules as he wished. And in the end after he became "tabiat afsordehi", and done with gorgeous girls, he became deluded with air force. The guy was just plain certifiable, and thats a professional opinion. Thanks for the pictures though.