
A supporter of defeated candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi helps evacuate an injured Iranian riot-police officer during riots in Tehran. (AFP/Olivier Laban-Mattei)

Photo essay: Protesters in streets of Tehran following presidential election




This says it all - these

by nicomowarsaw (not verified) on

This says it all - these people have the heart to even help the pawns of their victor.

This is what these people must do - they must win the hearts and minds of their enemy, they must not stop until truth and justice prevail.

There should be another election! Free Iran. Don't go to Prayers on Friday - Protest outside and make a noise - instead!!

Underneath each picture you keep saying "..supporter of defeated candidate ..." I don't think you need repeat this - its sounds as if you undermine the Green Revolutionaries in their efforts to have a free and fair election. Is your site being censored by the Iranian authorities?



by Mehrban on

This photo is touching, I agree.  Good for the man helping the injured riot police.  Humanity is alive and well among Iranians if asleep among their rulers.


My response to pictures

by pcarter (not verified) on

As I try & watch the news of the world, this picture is worth a thousand words. A supporter of Mousavi assisting injured police officer. Thank goodness someone with a heart was there. The election in Iran has caught world interest. I am just a regular working person in a small state in the south. I thougth Iran was full of "radicals" and everyone hated America- until I started paying attention. I realize now that Iran has diverse peoples- just like here. I personally hoped for Mousavi to win. Bravo to the man who helped another human. I wish we all had more of that in us. Sincerely, from the state of Mississippi.