Just imagine, all Iranians could express their opinion about the political and cultural situation in our country publicly and online. Not tomorrow or in a few years, but right now.
My name is Schahram Schamsawary, living in Germany. Maybe you have already noticed that I have started a short survey about Iranian´s attitude towards politics concerning our homecountry. I hope the readers wont get tired with my project...
Let me tell you a few words about my intention. Many of us think, Iranians are more democratic than any other people in the middle east. This might not completely be new for you, and there were already a few surveys in the US. But the media in Europe think different and pay nearly no attention to that circumstance.
In the end they think in clichees, which I dont have to mention. Policymakers not just act, but they often also react to changes of peoples mind for obvious reasons. So, if we want to change policy, we have to change the present circumstances, the clichee iranian type. We can change that, by changing the medias attitude.
It is us in the west, who have to draw the media´s attention to the, let us call it a fact, that Iranians are Democrats and deserve to be supported. But a fact is something, which needs evidence. Every Iranian can proove and contribute by taking time (5 minutes), just clicking in the survey... I will pass on the results to the media in Germany. Despite the survey naturally may not be representative, it could be seen as a very small step.
We Iranians have vivid discussions about us, about people´s attitude towards religion, politics, the revolution. But do we really know, what Iranians think? Do Iranians in Iran have different opinions about these topics compared to those outside of Iran?
We, the people of Iran, can do much more than we think. We don´t need to wait for anybody to stand up and go on the streets. We have to prepare the fields with public relation work, and what is easier than doing it from your home?
This is why I decided to start this survey. The more Iranians take part, the more we can do for us. Please notice, that I neither belong to a political party or organization nor I want to belong to any of them. I am working on this project alone, I belong to the free iranian network community as you. Please move this message forward to everyone you know, in the world and especially in Iran. Let us find out, what Iranians really want.
Please consider, if you can reach 10 Iranians, who again send this mail to 10 other Iranians, you will have the opinion of 100 Iranians just after a few minutes. There was no such a campaign in Germany until now. Please help us to spread this e-mail amon Iranians in the world!
If I could convince you, please click here [1]:
or the direct path to the survey:
>>> For Iranians outside of Iran [2]
>>> For Iranians in inside of Iran [3]
To be sure not to be influenced by results, the first round will be published two weeks, a second round is planned for April, first 2008.
Thank you very much, for taking part,
[1] //home.tiscali.de/iranpars/
[2] //www.befrager.de/befragung.aspx?projekt=4460
[3] //www.befrager.de/befragung.aspx?projekt=4482
[4] mailto:schamsawary-mkg@tiscali.de