Move Over Sam

This is a big week in geopolitics. Seismic shifts have occurred and most of us are not yet aware of it.

In short, the unipolar world is now officially dead. Welcome to the uncertainties of a multipolar world!

Russia and China have just concluded a landmark (knocking on $400 billion in value) bilateral agreement that effectively protects both their interests against the West, and ensures that the two countries will not go to war in the foreseeable future. The agreement includes major investments in various sectors of the Russian economy by China, and secures China’s access to

children playing

Russian gas for decades to come.

Ukraine has unexpectedly had a big impact on the world. The country itself was seen as distant from any ‘real’ hotspots, and most of us have not paid that much attention to what goes on there. But the signs were already there in 2004 and a Western-funded and managed ‘Orange revolution’ that really solved no one’s problems in the end.

But Ukraine in 2014 came hot on the heels of Western military and economic disasters in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. Imperial hubris finally led to a situation where Russia just said ‘enough is enough’, and grabbed Crimea right from under the nose of Kiev, and there was absolutely nothing that the EU or USA could do about it.

That was the moment when the American empire basically died a public death and the wolf shed its sheepskin. Many of us have been seeing its miserable and violent death coming for a long time. But here we had a clear manifestation of America’s impotence in the face of Ukraine’s reality and Russian power.

Of particular note was the hilarious moment when the American Secretary of State publicly chastised Russia for ‘illegally invading another country’ while the US had several illegal and brutal wars ongoing at the same time as it had sabotaged the elected government of Ukraine.

So the beast was not just brutal. It was quite stupid too!

The era of the America empire was quite evil. Of 248 armed conflicts in the world after World War II, USA started 201 of them.

In other words, 81% of all wars over the period 1945 to 2012 were started by the evil American empire.

30 million people are estimated to have died from these wars.

So it is not the case that USA changed its warmongering policy in attacking Iraq in 2003 under false WMD pretences. USA has always been doing that. It is simply the case that USA ineptly ran itself into bankruptcy after 6 decades of warmongering and brutality.

A strange aspect of the situation is that most people in the West don’t see themselves as such destructive brutes. And they will not accept any responsibility for the fact that the world is and has been suffering in order to pay for the average Westerner’s standard of living.

The media in the West also reflect this approach. They see no evil, hear no evil and do not speak of the evil elephant sitting in the room. Monkeys are strange creatures when they are humans.

 But as the saying goes, you do not bite the hand that feeds you, and the corporate-owned Western media have no teeth to bite with it.

Western media will instead lead the war charge as they did in Afghanistan in 2001, and Iraq in 2003, and Libya in 2011, and Syria in 2011.

It just does not change.

It is not about lessons learning. It is not about sharing and caring. It is just about maintaining the status quo or a ‘balance’, as they like to call it.

But the reality of the world does change, and it cares not whether Western propagandists like it or not.

The future is looking brighter for the world’s children because Western thievery of the world’s resources and its ability to divide and conquer and wage war has been significantly reduced.

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