Young filmmaker Javad Daraei is an up-and-coming talent to keep an eye on. The 25-year-old Iranian student and filmmaker has won several awards in the U.S. for his film Limit, including last week at the Miami FearFest where he won second place for Best Suspense Short Film. The Miami FearFest is an annual indie terror/suspense/sci-fi short film competition hosted in Miami, Florida.
Daraei’s Limit is an 8 minute narrative about the life of a disabled man in a quiet neighborhood who asks for help from people he sees, until someone suddenly enters his home. The film is a spiritual adaptation employing novel metaphors to challenge the cliché hardships for physically impaired people. The film puts a spotlight on the problems that the physically challenged face in society and in their daily lives; including the fear of becoming actively involved due to presuppositions and judgments.
In addition to winning second prize at the Miami FearFest, Limit competed earlier this year at the 32nd Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival in Florida and the MoonDance International Festival (Boulder, CO) where it won an award. Limit also took home an award at the Hollywood Hills Awards for Best Foreign Short Film and the 7th edition of the St. Cloud Film Fest which took place November 4-11, 2017, winning Most Promising Young Artist jointly with Maria Clarkson for Blues in the School Yard.
Daraei’s previous film I don’t like her, which was produced in 2016, also won several festivals.