January 18, 2002
The Iranian
Send us your questions
and comments
* Secret love
Dear Abjeez,
I am very fond of a woman I know. In a normal situation I make my
feelings clear. I could tell her that she is an amazing woman. She is full
of life and hope. But I hold back because I am afraid of things going bad.
I don't have the confidence to chase women anymore. All I can do is love
her in secret. Can you help? What should I do?
Pershen Boy
Abjee Fotti and Abjee Pari write:
Dear Pershen Boy
Thank you for your candid letter. You sound like a romantic and sensitive
soul who has been hurt in the past. And now, you prefer to stay safe, admiring
the object of your love from afar, rather than going down that risky road
of heartbreak again.
I wish I could tell you that you will not be hurt this time, or any time
in the future. However, I would not be doing a good job as your abjee. We
both know that love can be a roller-coaster full of turmoil and unanticipated
twists and turns. But we have to remember that sometimes, after this wild
ride, you can also find a smooth, calm sea of stability and happiness. No
matter what lays ahead for you, wouldn't it be a shame not to surge on and
discover what lies in the future for you, rather than sitting passively
and letting your chance at happiness go by?
Of course, you are scared and it is certainly difficult to open yourself
up again and become vulnerable. But is your current position really shielding
you from hurt and pain? What if this lady you admire so much never finds
out how you feel and goes on to fall in love with another, someone who is
not afraid to woo her? Would it not hurt to wonder for the rest of your
life what could have been?
If you have just come out of a relationship and feel a lack of confidence,
perhaps you need some time to heal. In this case, it is not unwise to give
yourself some time to get back on your feet.
But at some point, you have to conquer that fear. Maybe one way of succeeding
is to stop idealizing your lady friend as some sort of idol on a pedestal.
While it is great that you find so many qualities in her, remember she is
a human being just like you, living and breathing, with qualities and flaws.
She is your equal and you should not be afraid of approaching her with your
feelings. She should be lucky to be with someone like you, who recognizes
all the good in her and admires her.
It is our sincerest wish that you are successful in your endeavour. There
are so few truly sensitive and romantic souls left in today's world, it
would be a shame if you don't give yourself a chance.
Thank you for dropping by for a chayee and chirni with your abjeez, and
I hope the next time you visit, you will be accompanied by your sweetheart.
Take Care and Good Luck
Abjee Pari and Abjee Fotti
