January 25, 2002
The Iranian
Send us your questions
and comments
* I am very afraid
Dear Abjeez,
I want to cry when I here that you say sex can even be a beautiful
experience when shared by two people in love. I want to cry all the time,
morning and night, at school, every place.
It is easy for you to say love, but there is loving a mother and father
and loving a brother and these kind of love should have no sex but my brother
loves me to much and now we are having sex for three years.
I am very afraid of this sin but I am more afraid of his angry. Please
I need you tell me the answer I dont know what to do.
Abjee Fotti and Abjee Pari write:
Dear Sister
We are greatly moved by your plight. The situation you are describing
has nothing to do with love. Your brother is an abuser who has used sex
as a weapon against you. It is an experience that no one should have to
live through and yet, unfortunately, you are not alone. It happens to many
boys and girls who have to endure it in fear, confusion and silence. Thank
you for having the courage to speak up about it and we will do our best
to help you.
First and foremost, for the sake of your health and sanity, you have
to remove yourself from this dangerous situation IMMEDIATELY. We don't
know what your living situation is but if you share a house with your abuser,
take steps to get out NOW or have him removed. We encourage you to tell
your parents or other members of your family as soon as possible so that
they can do whatever is necessary to protect you from your abuser.
We know you feel conflicting notions about family loyalty and fear but
remember that this person who is abusing you has relinquished forever the
rights conferred on a "brother". He has betrayed you in the worst
way possible and he is the bad person here, not you. You have to sever
contact with him as soon as possible and get yourself into some counseling
in order to start healing from the physical and emotional repercussions
of the crime committed against you.
Depending on where you are, there are many persons who can help you and
share your experience. If you are in North America, professional counselors
and social workers at school, or your local rape crisis center, as well
as a national hotline called RAINN (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network)
will give you complete confidentiality and the therapeutic help you need
in order to recover.
The number for RAINN in the U.S. is1.800.656.HOPE and it is free and
open 24 hours a day. Please get in touch with them right away. If you are
located elsewhere, please get in touch with us again and we will try to
help you towards the right direction.
If you do not seek help, you will continue to suffer the feelings of
depression that you are already exhibiting. Don't let your abuser rob you
of more things than he already has. The healing will take time and energy
on your part but you don't have to do it by yourself. By writing this
letter, you have already moved in the right direction. Continue down this
path so that you may ultimately feel whole again.
We have the deepest admiration for you and send you our strongest wishes
for your recovery.
Abjee Pari and Abjee Fotti
