July 25, 2002
The Iranian
Send us your questions
and comments
* She's lost her excitability
My partner and I have had a healthy and enjoyable sexual relationship ever
since we got to know each other (approximately 5 years ago). It was after the birth
of our first child that she suffered from bouts of depression and gradually lost
her clitoral excitability.
These days she can hardly reach climax and, unlike the old days when even a
brief penetration or touch would bring her to climax. What do you suggest to be done?
Can we seek medical treatment for this problem?
We live in England and my partner, advised by her doctor, is now taking anti-depressant
drugs. Whenever she stops taking the drugs she can have orgasm (sometimes multiple
orgasms) but when she resumes taking the drug (her doctor has changed the drug several
times to enable her to reduce the side effects and improve her sexual activities,
but to no avail) it is like water on the flame.
Her doctor says that treatment has priority over her sexual enjoyment. But
this is affecting both of us because sex has now become an exhausting, painful and
unsatisfactory activity.
My partner now wants to know if there is anything I can use to help me postpone
my orgasm. She thinks if I last longer (may be for an hour or so) that will help
her to reach climax. Is there any harmless substance I could use to prolong my erection
and postpone my orgasm?
All the best,
Abjee Fotti and Abjee Pari write:
Definitely sounds to us like there is a potentially serious problem here. Recently
cases of post partum depression have been highly profiled in the media so you should
know it is not something to treat lightly or as a phase.
Since it is the abjeez's firm belief that sexual enjoyment goes hand in hand with
emotional well-being, we would suggest that you and your partner TOGETHER seek some
counseling about her depression.
Outside of post partum depression, it may be that there are other causes of her
depression. Does she have trouble sleeping at night and sleeps all day? How does
she react to your child? Please be communicative and understanding.
She may be even more self-hating because she thinks she may have failed you in
some way in the physical sense. You seem like a sensitive person. Therefore, continue
to be supportive of her but gently suggest that the both of you may need to get some
assistance for the sake of your child and of your relationship.
As for slowing your orgasm, we suppose there are countless substances like Viagra
that could make you "last" longer. However that is not the element of
your story that concerns us. Rather, it is the fact that your partner's doctor keeps
throwing pills at her with obviously short term effects.
We maybe old fashioned but this aspect of modern medicine that tends to throw
drugs at whatever mental ailment one suffers from seems to be a band aid solution
to an open wound problem.
The reason that your partner goes back to her depression every time she finishes
a bottle of pills is that this is an artificial stimulant. The deeper emotional
roots of her depression have not been touched or explored, they have been covered
up under chemically induced euphoria.
What worries us is that you say the doctor keeps changing the prescription. We
believe this means he must increase the dosage or prescribe a stronger chemical every
time. (Please you doctors out there correct us if we are wrong).
Our common sense tells us that if you take a drug for a long period of time you
build up resistance to it so that it does not affect you anymore. Therefore, you
graduate to a stronger level of pills etc etc until you are totally dependent on
a high level of chemicals. This may lead to substance abuse.
Maybe it is the fact that your doctor is not knowledgeable or simply does not
take the post partum depression of a woman seriously. This is a sad approach in this
day and age where we have seen first hand what can happen to mental conditions that
go untreated.
We would strongly reiterate to you that you seek actual counseling or therapist where
you TALK about your feelings rather than suppress them with a "Happy" drug.
This would be the only long term solution to your relationship problems.
Best regards,
Abjee Pari and Abjee Fotti