
July 9, 2002
The Iranian

Send us your questions and comments

* There is something else she won't tell me

I am new to this site. And I heard about you from a messeage board. I am 15 years old and I live in Canada. And I am really in love with Canadian girl. And I can't even stop thinking about her, I have already asked her out five times but each time I got turned down. She only says she likes me as friend.

There is something else that she won't tell me. My parents won't mind me dating, when they know who I am dating. I am really in love with that girl. I don't know what to do about it. Do you have any idea what I should do?



Abjee Fotti and Abjee Pari write:

When a girl tells you she likes you just as a friend and says no each of the 5 times you ask her out, what does your common sense tell you? Do you think it is wise to ask her out a sixth time? Do you think 6 is the magical number that will change her mind?

Put yourself in her shoes for a minute. I am sure you have in your life a similar situation only you are the pursued and trying to run from your pursuer. If there was a girl that you liked as a liked studying together, you talked and laughed at school, maybe you danced with her at a school dance...but you liked her only as a friend: Would you like it if she asked you out once...then twice...then three times...on and on and on... Don't you think you would get annoyed? embarassed? That it would ruin your friendship?

The bottom line is that we can't control the feelings of others. No matter what we try to do (and people go to amazing lengths, including changing their personality, their physical traits, their income etc) we could never really change the internal feelings of someone we are desperately trying to force into loving us.

Now the good news in your case is that this girl sounds like she genuinely wants to be friends with you. She has told not only you but also your mutual friends. It may be that at 15, and perhaps a newcomer to Canada, you are confusing the term "friend". While this girl is not interested in you romantically, she would like to pursue a platonic friendship with you, and that is great. To have a friend of the opposite sex at this young age will allow you to learn so much, and obtain a different perspective. This in turn will improve your interactions with other women. Also, keep in mind that most girls do not like an aggressive pursuit such as asking them out 5 times in a row, but will likely respond to genuine feelings. A friendship can always grow into something more, if you allow yourselves to get to know each other and find out if you have things in common. But I am afraid if you keep pursuing this girl so overtly, she will not want to remain even friends with you.

The best thing to do in this situation is to accept her decision and not pursue her anymore. Tell her you respect her decision but you want to explore the option of a platonic friendship. If you learn to LISTEN to her instead of your own heart, you will get to know her better and also grow closer. With friendship comes trust and respect. Let 's see if it can develop into something more...but sloooowly...

Jaaye abjee-haa ro dar canada kheili khaali kon!

Best wishes,

Abjee Pari and Abjee Fotti

Comment for The Iranian letters section Comment for Abjeez Fotti and Pari





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