March 1, 2002
The Iranian
Send us your questions
and comments
* She makes me jealous
First of all I love your Q and A column and find it to be the first thing I
check when I log into Iranian.com.
My Q is about a dokhtar. I have known this girl for a little while and she
seems to like me and I like her and blah blah... but she seems to always try to make
me jealous by telling me how much everyone (other guys) pay attention to her.
She tells me that she wants her man to be "gheyratee" and she seems
to think I don't care. In truth, I DO care, but I don't want to let her see that
it affects me in anyway. I don't want her to think she has the upper hand in the
roller coaster emotional mind game.
I also think she is a bit immature and a bit devooneh, but frankly, this really
turns me on about her. So do I continue with this girl or throw her in the dumpster?
Pesar Koochooloo
Abjee Fotti and Abjee Pari write:
Dear Pessar Koochooloo,
Salaam, omidvaarim ke haaletoon khoob baasheh.
Thank you very much for your compliment, the abjeez hope that you continue to
be both entertained (and maybe even a little informed) by our Q and A column as you
call it. Regarding your dilemna, the abjeez cannot help sighing at the complicated
mating ritual that seems to be so common between boys and girls.
The way you describe it, it seems you and your mate are more interested in the
game (whoever has the upper hand) itself than in the deep emotional payoff that can
result from an honest, straightforward relationship.
On the other hand, the good thing is you both seem to be enjoying the ride (for
now). You seem to be very young, and perhaps it is healthy not to take things too
seriously at this stage of your lives (especially since you both enjoy giving as
much as you are getting). The only word of caution we would venture is, down the
line, one of you may finally get hurt, in too real a way. It is one thing to flirt
and make each other jealous and pretend not to care, when your feelings remain at
a superficial level.
But soon, one of you is bound to develop a litte more intensity in your emotions
and then the behavior of the object of your desire may not seem so funny anymore.
The abjeez would not advise you to sever this relationship nor are we inclined to
give you the green light in continuing this mating dance so abrasively.
As we have mentioned before, somebody is bound to be knocked off this rollercoaster
as you call it, and get their heart really broken. Sit down, remove yourself from
the situation and think about your feelings for this young lady. Are you content
to continue down this path and risk losing her? If you decide this is more serious
than you thought, our advice would be to try to talk to her honestly about your feelings
and the way her behavior hurts you.
Tell her that you would like to take the relationship to the next level and have
a more mature, more affectionate understanding with her. If she agrees, then so
much the better! But if she continues teasing you after you have opened up to her
in such a genuine way, then our best advice would be to remove yourself from any
contact with her. She will have shown you that her ego is more important to her
than your feelings, and that she is yet too immature to handle a real relationship
of mutual respect and honesty.
Perhaps, if you give her some time and space, she may realize that she misses
you, and that all these shenanigans only bring temporary pleasure, at the cost of
intimacy and love with a person who was brave enough to be real. In the abjeez'book,
someone who has the courage to go after they want, without phony detours, has the
real upper hand in life! We wish you lots of luck on your rollercoaster, and advise
that you put on your seatbelt real tight. We would hate to see anything bad happen
to our number one fan.
Take care and stop by as often as you like. The chayee will be daagh, and the
shirnee delicious.
Your Abjeez,
Abjee Pari and Abjee Fotti