March 8, 2002
The Iranian
Send us your questions
and comments
* I don't like boys
i was when i was about 12 that i first fell in love with a girl!!!!!!!!!! i
don't no why but i can't fall in love with boys! i don't like them.
can you believe that i fell in love with girls 7 times? but i never had sex
with them because they did not like that. now i am really a lone & sad! &
i wish i had an iranian girlfried! i live in tehran. please help me...
Lone Girl
Abjee Fotti and Abjee Pari write:
Dear Lone Girl,
Everybody is entitled to find, or at least, search for love, no matter what their
physical preferences are.
However, while we sympathize with your plight, we could IN NO WAY WHATSOEVER encourage
you to act on your feelings while living in a country where such an act, if discovered,
would be punishable by torture and death.
While I am sure there are scores of gays and lesbians in Iran, just as there is
in any other country, if they are wise, they remain deeply inside the closet. This
is not because there is something to be ashamed of. Many believe homosexuality is
simply born within you, while others view it as a corrupt lifestyle learned through
The Abjeez are not here to put an end to that debate but simply to lend a sympathetic
ear and shoulder to their reader. We are simply saying that you are not alone in
the world, as you suspect. However, being that you live in Iran, we could not take
the responsibility to advise you to explore your feelings in that society, no matter
how well you think you can hide it.
So, will you ever be able to find love? Perhaps, but we really encourage you NOT
to search for it in Iran. If at all possible, you should find a society that is
more accepting and certainly would not put your life at risk for simply being who
you are. We hope that such a place is within your grasp.
Take care, and keep strong,
Abjee Pari and Abjee Fotti