May 24, 2002
The Iranian
Send us your questions
and comments
* She is still tough on me
As soon as I heard about you I thought you might be able to help me.
I love a girl in my High School. I have told her but she is not the kind of girl,
I mean looking for a boyfriend and all that. I have tried to attract her several
of times, but she is still tough on me.
On her birthday I bought her a perfume and she did like it. I thought it was
done but I thought wrong. I am currently doing my GSCE (my final exams). It does
mean I am not going to see her again, maybe never. I really like her.
By the way, she is got a close friend and I think it is all her fault.
Could you help me!!!
Abjee Fotti and Abjee Pari write:
Dear P,
Aaaaaaahhhh, the thrill of the chase for the male in hunt for love... The more
the object of your affection eludes you, the more attractive she becomes, the more
irresistible. Not to deny that some women also like to pursue unattainable men, but
it seems to the abjeez that it is a dominant male trait to run after a woman even
Dear Pouyan, we don't want to make you feel worse than you already do but you are
very young and you don't know yet what love is. How can you love someone you don't
even know? Right now, you are enamored of an image, a far away deity always slipping
through your fingers, an idol on a pedestal jealously guarded by inconvenient obstacles
(i.e. her friend). But dear, let us tell you something from the point of view of
women: If a woman is attracted or interested in a man, she will not turn him down
REPEATEDLY, and she will certainly not let a friend control her decision.
Although some younger women may fall for peer pressure and hesitate to date someone
that they believe would not be considered a part of their group, ultimately if they
truly like someone, they are not going to sacrifice their happiness for the sake
of peer acceptance. So put out of your head the idea that there is a third party
standing between you and your happiness. The one and only obstacle preventing you
from getting together with your dream girl is...well...the dream girl herself.
Having said that, you should not let the experience bitter you. Just learn for next
time that you can't make someone love you by being insistent, or worse, buying gifts.
If someone likes you for the sake of the money spent on them, do you think it's true
love? You seem sweet, just misguided. You should put some of that energy in courting
a girl from whom you at least receive signs of equal attraction.
Good luck and please let that girl out of your mind, and do not let this affect your
final exams. Once you get to college next year, you will have forgotten about her
in no time.
Take care and come back for a shirnee and chayee with your abjeez very soon,
Abjee Pari and Abjee Fotti