August 25, 2003 Send us your questions and comments Question * Sleepless since 9/11 Now, all I think about is that this may be the last time I leave home, I may never return. On a daily basis, I make a mental list whether I have talked with my loved ones and if I were to die that same day, whether we would have left on good terms. I can't go to sleep at night for fear that I will never wake up, and when I do finally doze off (rarely), I often wake up in a cold sweat, after having lived through the ordeal all over again in my dreams. At first, I thought this must be just the shock of the first few days but it has been almost two years now and still no sign of improving. Can you help? Jenny
Abjee Fotti and Abjee Pari write: People have widely different reactions to a disaster, whether it is a personal event or something like 9/11. The first response can be numbness, or it can be pain and agony. Some others, like you, become hyper-vigilant and constantly fear for their safety. Such varied emotions are normal reactions to disasters, even if you were not personally involved in it. The fact that you have not been able to let go of your fear, almost two years after the event is a sign that this problem goes beyond the normal coping mechanisms. You may have developed post-traumatic stress disorder and suffer from a hyperactive nervous system that keeps you on guard. Recovering may be a major challenge for you, necessitating expert assistance. You can seek help from your doctor, who can refer you to a psychologist or counselor, to help heal your emotional wounds either in a private or group setting, where you will be able to share your feelings with others who have gone through the same experience as you. If you work for a large company or organization, call the Human Resources or Personnel office to find out if they provide mental-health services or make referrals. You can also call the National Center for Victims of Crime's toll-free information and referral service at 1-800-FYI-CALL. This is a comprehensive database of more than 6,700 community service agencies throughout the country that directly support victims of crime. You say that you keep the communication lines with your friends and family open, and that is a very good thing. They will also help you cope, by providing a shoulder to cry on, a sympathetic ear to listen to your concerns. Other positive coping mechanisms include practicing relaxation methods such asbreathing exercises, meditation, swimming, stretching, yoga, prayer, listening to quiet music, spending time in nature, and so on. Positive recreational or work activities can also help distract you from your memories and reactions. For example, you can express your feelings through an artistic medium such as painting, or poetry. This can improve your mood, limit the harm caused by PTSD, and help you rebuild your life. It is important to emphasize that distraction alone is unlikely to "cure" you. Sincerely, * Send this page to your friends
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