November 12, 2003 Send us your questions and comments Question * Chikaar konam aakhe? N Abjee Fotti and Abjee Pari write: Dear N, We've all been through it, time after time. We decide to make some changes in our lives: to lose weight, quit smoking, start exercising, or having that deep discussion with your boyfriend. We set our goals, and we take some steps towards achieving them. And then, slowly, we start to slip. That dessert looks too good. That talk with the boyfriend can wait until after the New Year's Party. Work is too stressful so maybe if I can slip that one cigarette. One day, you realize you are exactly at the same spot you were when you began to set your goals. That may make you even more depresswd and lessen your motivation. This pattern happens all the time. The key is: 1) Set realistic goals. 2) Maintain the motivation needed to see your goals through 1) Goals Successful people are masters at setting goals. They don't just announce, "I'm
going to run for an hour today." Instead, they start at a realistic
pace. Their ultimate goal may be to run the New York marathon but
they will start with ten or fifteen minutes of running, then gradually
work up to 30 minutes then an hour. 2) Motivation The most important motivation however is self-motivation.Our minds love habits and routines. Once your mind gets in a groove it doesn't want to change whether what you are doing. If you establish a routine for yourself, for example, a certain aerobics class with a favorite teacher at your gym, then soon you will realize that you have made a habit of going to work out. With your boyfriend, if there are problems in the relationship but you love him and you want to work it out, you have to make a habit of setting some time at least once a week to have a private time just to talk. Not to go to the movies or go out with friends or go dancing but just talking. The more you do that, the more you will be able to express your feelings about the relationship and working out problems as they arise instead of bottling it all up and letting it burst. We wish you the best of luck, * Send this page to your friends
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