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October 9, 2003
The Iranian

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* Worried about sex
Hello Abjeez,
I am an avid reader of your column, who consistantly supports your advice, and now I am in much need of some!  I am a 19 year old Iranian girl, I lost my virginity to my first love at 18, and now I am dating an Iranian man, who I love very much, and look to build a life with.  Being a non-virgin never really bothered me, I had never decided that I wanted to wait for marriage, as I could have never imagined expereincing only one man my entire life. 

My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 10 months, we began having sex four months ago, at first very sporadically, but slowly it became on a more regular basis.  So I have a couple of questions about this new venture in my life (before dating my b/f I had only had sex twice, with the same guy).
1)  After having sex with my b/f I am constantly wondering how he feels about it, if he thinks less of me for having had sex before, and if he truley loves making love to me. I love making love to him, and feel great about it. We have a very open relationship, and so I have asked him these things before, and he answers that he doesn't think less of me at all, and that he loves having sex with me... but I still wonder if he's simply saying that to appease me. 

2)  We have protected sex, with condoms, but I am not on birth control, because I am terrified of my parents finding out, what is a better form of preventing an unexpected pregnancy in my situation (I live at home, not on campus)? 

3) Could you possibly explain the rythm method to me, or let me know where I can find accurate information about it? 

4) Any other advice for or against this pre-marital sex relationship I have built... I would love some motherly advice, that doesn't come from my mother.
I would also like to let you know that aside from the sex, we do have a very strong relationship, we are truley best friends, our parents are best friends, and we have known eachother since child hood, I'm just worried about this new dimension we have added to the relationship.
Thank you so much for your time. I am very uch looking forward to hearing from you.  I do not mind my message to be posted on the internet, as long as it is confidential, as this is an extremely private matter.



Abjee Fotti and Abjee Pari write:

Dear Confused,
Thank you for your letter and your kind words.   We hope we can continue to help you with making the decision that is most right for yourself. You have brought up a lot of issues, let's try to deal with them one by one.
We feel that there is no universal answer whether it is right or wrong to have pre marital sex.  It is absolutely your choice over your own body whether you want to engage in sex or not, and pre-marital sex is an individual decision: what YOU feel is morally and emotionally right, not what OTHERS feel is right for you. 

We abjeez would however like to qualify that by saying that age, especially for a woman, is definitely a factor in your ability to make a reasoned, well-informed, mature decision.  A  lot of teen-agers unfortunately rush into sex without having the emotional maturity to deal with the consequences , especially if the relationship subsequently self-destructs. 
While you may have made the decision to have sex with your boyfriend out of your own volition, we feel there may have been some negative effects on you that you are not ready to identify or deal with. After all you were only 18 at the time, and this was a man you considered "your first love" yet it seems after a couple of times that you were sexually active with him, the relationship came to an abrupt end.  We don't know the details of that, but it may be that either you or your ex ended up regretting making that move.
You waited some time before getting involved sexually again, and it is good that you want to take things slow.  However, It seems you are harboring some guilty feelings after taking your relationship with your new boyfriend to the next level so that makes us think  you were not ready yet.  Seems you associate sex with feelings of guilt and inadequacy, and seeking the constant reassurance of your boyfriend. 

While some of that may be attributed to your relative inexperience, it may also be a result of more deep rooted feelings of shame, which should not be associated with sex.  The fact that you wonder whether he thinks "less of you" shows that you connect the act of sex with feelings of self worth, and you may feel degraded in your own eyes about having engaged in pre-marital sex.  We suggest that you should not engage in anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.  Just because you are not a virgin anymore, does not mean you are expected to be sexually active. 
The fact that you are "terrified" about your parents finding out you are having sex leads us to believe they have raised you, unfortunately, with a mindset that sex is dirty, forbidden and something to be ashamed of. Look deep within yourself and ask yourself what is the root of your negative emotions and talk it out, either with a close friend or if you are too shy about revealing your feelings, you can write it down in a diary for yourself and try to analyze yourself.  You can also browse the shelves of your local bookstore and find some good books that can help you deal with your emotions.
As to the issue of birth control, birth control pills alone are not enough to protect you from Sexually Transmitted Diseases, which often can go undetected in your partner so even if he feels perfectly healthy, there is no telling.  Unless you are 100% sure that he has always had protected sex with his previous partners and all of his previous partners also had protected sex with their partners etc... then you can not take anough precautions...
You should really talk to a doctor, in fact, since you are sexually active, you should go get checked up at least once a year, have a pap smear and discuss your birth control options with your doctor.  Since you are 19 years old, we believe that you are no longer considered a minor and so the Doctor is not allowed to discuss your health with anyone else unless you give him/her permission to. Check with the doctor before your appointment begins to ensure total privacy.
About your question on the rhythm method, or calendar method, it is not a very reliable method of pregnancy prevention because it is based on three assumptions:

• that ovulation occurs fourteen days before the beginning of menstruation, plus or minus two days
• that sperm remain viable for three days
• that the ovum survives for twenty-four hours. For a woman with very regular cycles, she needs merely to count backwards from the first day of her period to locate the day on which she ovulated.Using these three assumptions ovulation can be predicted and sexual intercourse can be avoided. However, due to the inconsistencies in month-to-month ovulation and actual cycle times and length, the rhythm method is not recommended unless the woman has an extremely predictable cycle.

Again, you should discuss this issue with your doctor to find out what is right for you. But again, please be aware that the rythm method, alone, does not protect you from STDs.

We hope that this has been helpful and that you will engage in a lot of thought and inform yourself before you decide whether you even want to continue being sexually active. 

Wishing you the best,

Abjee Pari and Abjee Fotti

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