February 13, 2004 Send us your questions and comments Question * Role-play? Why? My boyfriend and I have been going together for a few months and things have been great on all fronts. However, recently, he has suggested to me that we try "role-play" in the bedroom. I didn't know what to say so I laughed it off but he mentioned it again so I think he is serious. I don't know, I am not a prude kind of person, but it kind of feels creepy to me. Like, am I supposed to wear a nurse's uniform or something? I don't know if I would feel comfortable with that. Also, I am thinking he is not normal as I always used to associate this kind of behavior with pervs. Why can't he be satisfied with just me? Am I that boring? Shy girl Abjeez write: Dear Shy Girl: The line between fantasy and creepy is very subjective. You are not a prude for feeling uncomfortable, that is just your feeling, and you cannot control that. On the other hand, your boyfriend is not automatically a perv just because he is into sexual role-playing. Maybe you should communicate more about this with him before writing him off as some deviant. So what if he wants to dress up, as a fireman or a police officer, whatever. This may be a little silly, but guess what? Everyone's fantasies are kind of silly and we bet you also have some of your own that you are not willing to share for fear of what your partner might think. Role-playing isn't automatically about you being boring or him trying to trade you in for another model. If things are as great as you say in the relationship, then just take this as what it is, which is a temporary game, played inside your bedroom, for a couple of hours one night. If he starts treating you as the Farmer's Daughter every day of the week 24/7 then you may get worried. Remember, communication is key to define what exactly the role-playing entails. Donning a wig and costume can be a very different experience than say, whips and chains! Make sure you're both completely comfortable with whatever steamy scenarios you choose. While the main goal of role-playing is to have some fun, it won't happen unless there is total trust between each other. Best wishes, * Send this page to your friends
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