February 19, 2004
The Iranian
Send us your questions
and comments
* Problem? We are both girls
Dear Abjeez,
Please please don't use my real name. What I have to say shames
me immensely. It happened last Saturday night when as usual, I was out
partying with my best friend and getting drunk, high, etc. Anyway, we
both took a cab to my house and she ended up sleeping over -- in my
bed. I can't believe it but we ended up fooling around big-time.
Problem? We are both girls.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with
gays but I never considered myself one. To tell you the truth, the
morning after and ever since, I have felt really odd and uncomfortable
her and outright avoiding her. One thing I am sure of: I don't want
that same thing to happen again. We used to go get drunk pretty much
night after school but now I'm worried about getting drunk with her.
If she comes back wanting the same thing to happen, how do I let her
down without hurting her?
Abjeez write:
Dear Confused:
Thank you for your letter and we want to reassure you that we always
keep the anonymity of our readers.
The first thing that worries us is that you say you are used to getting
drunk "every night" and that you also get high, which we
assume is also every night. We do not know how old you are but even if
you are of drinking age, we do not think you are engaging in responsible
We strongly recommend that you evaluate how the alcohol and drugs are
making you take the wrong choices in life and putting you in not only
embarrassing situations but potentially dangerous ones as well. We are
not condemning you merely because you engaged in bisexuality with your
best friend although we deal with that later on, but rather we would
have the same attitude if you had ended up fooling around with some strange
man you had met and picked up at the bar.
Although of course, nobody but you can take the decision to get yourself
in a substance abuse recovery program, our first and foremost advice
is that you engage in some deep internal self-evaluation, preferably
with a counselor, to figure out if you are controlling your life or if
you are being controlled by the substances you imbibe.
To admit that you have a problem is the most difficult step and to get
help is the bravest thing you can do. Try talking to someone close to
you, whether in your family, or a teacher at school, or guidance counselor.
We do not know the root of your reliance on alcohol and drugs but please
note that your behavior seems outside the norms of the partying that
most young people do, especially because it is making you fall into situations
that you would not normally choose if sober.
Which brings us to your relationship with your best friend. First of
all, do not assume that she is interested in pursuing a sexual relationship
with you. She may very well have the same substance abuse problems as
you (it makes sense because addicts tend to hang around other addicts
who can justify and enable their own addiction). She may have woken up
the next morning just as embarrassed as you and not planning to duplicate
this event. If truly you are interested in keeping the friendship, instead
of letting it die down and avoiding her, you will set a time to have
a direct talk with her about what happened and your feelings about it.
If on the other hand, your friend has hopes of developing something further
in that direction with you, you have to be clear with her that you are
not interested.
This may signal the end of your friendship, but as we have said before,
we question how healthy this friendship is to begin with since you seem
nothing more than "partying" companions.
We are not sure if you are ready to take this advice to heart or if you
are simply concerned about getting on with your hard partying. We hope
that this event makes you at the very least reflect on the path that
you are taking in your life and decide whether it is worth it to continue
in that direction.
Yours sincerely,
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