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January 4, 2004
The Iranian

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* She's giving me hints, but...

i have this problem about askin this girl out and telling her my feelings. there this girl i know and that i really love her, but the problem is that, i cant tell her and she doesnt know what i think about her, she calls me up and tells me about how much she miss's me, and about how i have all the qualities a girl would want from a guy, and other compliments from her, i think shes giving me hints, but i still have no idea what to do, i dont see this girl alot, maybe once a month, but she calls me nearly every 3 times a week.

its been one year that i know her, and i really love her, but i cant tell her, its just that i get too shy and worried when it comes to askin out a girl i reallly love and like, and i don't even have the guts to flirt with her, even thou im the expert in flirtin with other girls, but its just this girl i cant flirt or even think while talkin to her, the other part of this problem is that, sometimes i think shes just the kind of girl thats a player, and the other thing is i dont want her to be shocked and thinkin bad about me when i ask her out, so pleasee help me out , and tell me what i should do?

Confused guy


Abjee Fotti and Abjee Pari write:

Dear "Confused Guy"

It can be a very scary thing to express your sincere feelings to someone you love, especially if you are not sure of what the reaction will be at the other end.

The reason you find it light and harnless to flirt with other girls is that there is no similar pressure in that situation.  For this person, whom you truly care about and fear losing, you weigh and plan your words with more care and patience.

You are rightsin that she seems to be giving you hints that she would like to take it to the next level, however there seems to be a geographical distance between you: Is this a long distance "phone only" relationship?

It may be difficult to keep up a romantic relationship when you live in two different cities or somehwere that you are not able to see each other more than once every holiday.  This may be why you are both second guessing whether it is a good idea to take the next step.
Also you have been in a friendship with this person for a year now, and probably the disucssions you have over the phone several times a week have become indispensable to you.  Another fear in turning the friendship into something more is that, if it does not work out, you will lose that precious valuable friendship.
You should definitely think about all these issues before deciding whether you want to pursue a romantic relationship with your friend.  Also, you should prepare yourself for the possibility that she may only like you as a friend.
All that being said, if you believe in the expression "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" you will gather up your courage and take the plunge.  No matter how scary a ride love may be, it is better to go for it than to live your life in regret and what if.  Don't you think?
You definitely do not have to proclaim your love upfront to her: a simple date for a coffee, ice skating or amusement park may be the ideal way to start things off and let the feelings flow naturally.  The more comfortable you beomce in your friendship the easier it will be to tell her at the right moment about your romantic feelings.  And perhaps she may surprise you and tell you first!
We hope you make the best decision... for yourself
Best wishes,


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