August 22, 2004
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Dear Abjeez,
I don't really know how to start this off, I haven't told anybody about these
feelings that I have locked deep inside my heart. talking about it makes
me feel stupid so I just keep it all inside and I feel like I cannot tell anyone
because they would just laugh at me.
I went to Iran two summers ago with my family and it was just a vacation like
any other, we went to have fun in Iran and see friends and family. It was a usual
mehmooni and one of my mother's good friends came and she brought her son.
recognized him because I had seen him when I was 4 years old. but we despised
each other, it was like we hated to look at one another, and I honestly don't
know why, that was just how it was, and it was a normal thing. Anyways he was
all grown up now and to me he was just like another guest there that night, we
just said salam and that was it. A couple of days passed and we were all supposed
to go to the park for a picnic. when I got there I noticed that he was
there too, when I saw him everything was normal. but then we started talking
and after that day my whole world changed.
That night I remember I couldn't fall asleep, he was all I could think about.
this was sooo odd for me because I never even had feelings of friendship for
him and now it was like I had fallen in love with him in an instant. After that
we saw eachother a couple more times at mehmoonis and picnics, we would walk
and talk for the entire time we were together. I would look forward to the next
time I could see him. I had now developed feelings for him but I did not know
if he
also felt the same way.
My mother told me that his mother, her friend, had told her something that caught
her off guard. she told my mother that I would be a good match for her
son, my mother had no idea that this was even a thought for them. she
told her friend that I was too young and would soon go to college and later find
an American raised Iranian boy like myself and marry him. So after that there
were no more of such talks and it was soon time for us to come back home. I remember
the last time I saw him, I felt like I was being ripped away from my true love,
but I couldn't say or do anything, because no one knew how I felt. not
even him.
I remember crying on the flight back home, and when my mom would ask me why I
was crying, I just told her that I didn't want to leave Iran. I couldn't tell
anyone how I really felt. because I knew that if I told my mom she would
just laugh at me and tell me that this was a silly crush and I would get over
it. She didn't know that I hadn't felt strong feelings like this for
anyone. I knew it wasn't a crush but what I didn't know was that I would
develop stronger feelings once time passed.
I arrived home and he was all I could think about. I knew that this was
not just a crush and I truly loved him, he was all that was in my mind day and
night. Then I realized that no one knew I loved him, not even himself.
he was in Iran and I was here, we were so far and I couldn't even call him or
to him. The story gets way worse.
My mom was talking to her friend in Iran and seemed really happy, and then she
told me that her friend's son had gotten engaged. I was in complete shock.
mom said that the girl was a girl that he barely knew. they just got engaged
and that was it. I cried for hours that day and felt like my heart had been torn
in half. There was nothing I could do, but I kept telling myself that there was
a possibility that he would break off the engagement with this girl. Six months
passed and I felt stronger feelings for him day by day. I kept trying
to move on and forget about him but I couldn't, its like daste khodam nist. He
got married last December. I feel heart broken and there is nothing I can do.
Looking back on all this I don't even know why it all happened. he
was just another friend of my family. not even a personal friend
for me. why did this have to happen to me? And why is it still hurting
me two years later? I don't know what to do anymore. he
is married. so is there any omid for my future? Can I be with him someday,
I want him to love me just like I love him, because I feel like I cannot love
anyone else. I have dated other guys just to try and get him off my mind but
it doesn't work. All this makes me feel so pathetic because I didn't bring
all this upon myself. destiny did and now I am the one who has to pay
A Broken Heart
Abjeez write:
Dear Broken Heart:
Unrequited love has broken your heart and you are torturing yourself
wondering what could have been if you had spoken up. All this self-torture
is destructive and unproductive because the object of your affection
is a married man and although you say he barely knew the girl he got
engaged to and then married, you of all people should understand that
love can strike you like lightning and does not necessarily leave a lot
of time.
Yes you have to put him out of your mind and wishing that somehow his
marriage breaks off so you two can be together is not only mean spirited,
it is hardly realistic as you don't even know to this day how he felt
about you. Remember, he also had the choice to speak out and like you,
he remained silent. This could simply be because he was not in fact in
love with you. Don't pay too much attention to Iranian mothers talking
about good match, this is something pretty common among parents to say
and does not mean that he was hinting at you that he likes you more than
a friend.
Also, dating other guys simply as a means to get over him is pointless
and unfair not only to them but to yourself. If you ever want to move
on, you have to keep an open mind and accept the reality that he was
not the one meant for you but there is someone out there who is. Stop
comparing the real flesh and blood people around you with this phantom
man from your past but try to see them for who they are. Don't ruin your
chances at true love because you are holding on to a fantasy ideal man.
It is easy to hold on to that love because you never really explored
it and you kept at a safe distance, so he always remains this pure ideal
in your mind.
If after two years you still have not gotten over him, you have
to realize that this is your choice. You are keeping the pain alive
by constantly wallowing in your memories instead of trying to free yourself
from its chains. Perhaps the fact that you have kept it bottled up and
not talked about it to anyone is one factor preventing you from moving
on. If you fear your mom will not understand we are certain that you
can confide in peers of your own age and experience who will lend a sympathetic
ear. It may be the first step in you regaining your own life and future
instead of living in the past.
Our best to you,
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