November 24, 2004 Send us your questions and comments Question She loves me, she loves me not I never thought I would email you, but here I am. To make it simple it's a love story as usual. I am a 24-year-old college student who has just simply fallen in love with this 21-year-old college student. Now, she lives away in the U.S. West Coast as I am still in North East. It started as friendship and nothing more, but in my heart I knew she is the one I have been searching for. She would tell me how much she loved me as I just remained silent. Ironically, when she calls, she sill doesn't deny her feeling for me. A while ago I finally told her what was inside. The fact is she loves me when I am madly in love with her beyond imagination. Some of my family members live in California, so I have decided to visit them for the holidays and to see her again, even though she resides in another town. First, she was very happy, but I soon realized she doesn't want me to see her. She always talks about how much she cares for me, but when I try to show some affection in return it seems she doesn't really care. Last week I asked her if she really rejects my love. She said no she loves me back, but she also added I better find someone better than her since she doesn't deserve me, and it's for my best not to see her. Finally, I agreed with her and canceled my plans, but then she questioned me; she asked why I never disagree with her and always listen to her arguments. I guess she wants me to stand up for her love and do what I have to do regardless of what she says, yet I argued I could not force her since I respected her decisions. I am very confused right now. She knows how important she is in my life, but I am still looking for that missing link. NY College Boy
No wonder you are so confused. The girl you love tells you she loves
you, then that she does not want to see you, then the next minute turns
around again and
asks you why you agreed to her wish. You also have to consider her age. She is 21 and while you may feel
she is the one you have been searching for, she may feel not ready to
commit to you. Maybe
that is what she means by she doesn't "deserve" you. If she is giving
sort of test, to see how much you are willing to stand up for your love,
the fact that you have expressed your love for her should be testament
enough of
your convictions. Speaking up and risking rejection IS standing up for your
love. Of course, it makes you question how strong that love was in the first place is it was so easy to move on. But as Fotti says, she is only 21 and you yourself are onyl 24 and a college student. We know it does not take old age to know what love really is. But perhaps it is worth the time to explore what your true feelings are for this girl. What made you
hesitate so long before reciprocating her feelings? And what motivated
you to finally express your feelings? Is it because you felt she was
slipping away and
you wanted to hold on to her? Maybe that would explain her questioning
her about the strength of your feelings. In any case, if you are still
planning to visit
your family members in California, you could do that and let her know.
Give her the option for her to come visit you in your town.
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