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Hall of Mirrors
Photo essay: Golestan Palace, Tehran

Aref Erfani
May 6, 2005

The Golestan Palace complex sits in the center of Tehran, north of the central bazaar. The complex consists of several museums, most of which were formerly used for official government functions. Most notable of these museum/palaces is the Hall of Mirrors. One of Tehran's oldest landmarks, the Shams-ol-Emareh building is also part of this magnificent complex. Today, the complex is managed as a tourist attraction and national treasure. Historic paintings and works of art are housed within certain parts of the complex. Professional guides are available to explain the history and significance of each building and its contents, if any. During our visit we encountered a group of French tourists and several Iranian school groups touring the complex.

For letters section
To Aref Erfani

Aref Erfani

Golestan palace
official page


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Book of the day

The Persian Garden
Echoes of Paradise
By Mehdi Khansari, M. Reza Moghtader, Minouch Yavari
>>> Excerpt

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