Sick of America
By Saints Sinners
February 28, 2002
The Iranian
Sick of its ignorance
Sick of it blind support of Isreal
Sick of America calling Palestinian freedom fighters terroists
Sick of its closet racism
Sick of Fox News and CNN bull shit stories on the Middle East
Sick of how Fox News and CNN betray Moslems and Middle Easterners as "terroists"
Sick of its manipulated people trying to argue its views about the middle east
Sick of George Bush's "your either with us or against us"
Sick of them looking down on the Middle East and Islam
Sick of people like Billy Graham who preach love and peace but are anti-Islam
Sick of its double standards
Sick of its bully mentality
Sick of the simplistic axis of evil comment
Sick of its propaganda against Iran
Sick of trying it to cram its values on other countires, cultures, religons...
Sick of how American people say "Moslem" and "Allah"
Just sick of it