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Random thoughts
By Reza Kassai
April 8, 2004
"Random Thoughts" is an ongoing life project
that takes different directions with the flow of time. My images
come from all I see in the world around me, from daily observation.
I am particularly interested in the ways in which technology affects
our lives for good and for ill. Though my subject matter is continually
evolving, what remains constant in "Random Thoughts" is
my interest in human emotion in everyday events. I aim to communicate
in a universal language by challenging myself to express
the image in its simplest form. For example a circle with a single
dot in the middle represents a face.
By juxtaposing humor, tragedy, fantasy, illusions,
and dream-images with social and political allusions, I hope to
remind the viewer of the passage of time, and how trendy philosophies
are not in harmony with lasting values. My present work involves
whimsical and child-like stick-figure drawings incorporated with
words and writings in different languages; this iconography records
my feelings about the overlap and layering of archetypal subjects,
like primitive languages or cave drawings, and fad contemporary
culture. All images are acrylic and mixed media on canvas.