Poetry |
My little girl
Akbar Showkatian
April 18, 2006
You are the last angel in my life
The perfect gift to me and my wife
The sunshine of our spring
Enticing birds to swing
The music, lightens our souls
Moves and fills all the holes
The best sound of voices
Melody of all choices
Running around with joy
Playing freely with toys
Eager to learn language
Free of any anguish
Your hands are tiny
Your eyes are shiny
Your hair is straight
Your expression is great
Your walk is beautiful
Your talk is delightful
Your sisters adore you
Never imagined so attached to
They hate baby sitting you
But never avoid kissing you
Your mother can‚t even sleep
She wishes take a nap so deep
Every week she goes shopping
Buys dress or shoes to get you hopping
When you grow feverish and sick
The house loses all its magic
You are indeed the angel among us
Though at times you cause some fuss
We pray for your health everyday
Our happiness depends on you in everyway
We could never find you boring
Our love for you is overflowing
Akbar Showkatian
Book of the day

Stories From Iran
A Chicago Anthology 1921-1991
edited by Heshmat Moayyad