Poetry |
Persian Chilly
May 29, 2006
why do i miss you
when it's been so long
why do i watch you
when you're so far beyond
why do i search for you
when you leave no trace
why do i imagine you
when i've forgotten your face
why do i listen
when the phone won't ring
why do i hurt
when it's more than a fling
why does the pain spread
when there is little care
why does it feel hot
when you're not there
why do i desire you
when i haven't felt you
why do i need you
when you make me blue
why do i wish for you
when the stars are far and few
why do i adore you
when you say adieu
why do i want you
when we´re no longer a team
why do i love you
when you're only a dream
why don't my eyes see
when they fill with a tear
why doesn't my brain command
when the picture is clear
why doesn't my heart stop
when it's punctured by a spear
Book of the day

The Pursuit of Pleasure
Drugs and Stimulants in Iranian History, 1500-1900
by Rudi Matthee