Going for the gun
From Nehzate Azadi to Mohajedin Khalq
May 2001
The Iranian
Lotfollah Meisami was a Jebhe Melli (National Front) and Nehzate Azadi
(Freedom Movement) activist before joining the Mojahedin Khalq Organization.
In 1974 a bomb he was making exploded, leaving him blind and without his
left hand.
A political prisoner before and after the 1979 revolution, Meisami has
renounced violence and condemns Mojahedin Khalgh's tactics, although he
has remained a vocal critic of the Islamic Republic. He currently publishes
a magazine, Cheshmandaze
His memoir, "Az
nehzate aazaadi taa mojaahedin (Vol. 1)", traces the transformation
of the opposition against the Shah after the 1953 coup.
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nehzate aazaadi taa mojaahedin (Vol. 1)