
A Monumental Manifestation of the Shi'Ite Faith in Late Twelfth-Century Iran : The Case of the Gunbad-I 'Alawiyan, Hamadan (Oxford Studies in Islam)
Raya Shani/ 1996

An Islamic Utopian
A biography of Ali Shariati by Ali Rahnema

And Once Again Abu Dharr
Ali Shariati/ 1992

Aphrahat and Judaism : The Christian-Jewish Argument in Fourth-Century Iran (Studia Post Biblica - Supplements to the Journal for the Study of judaismVol 19)
J. Neusner/ 1997

Approach to Understanding of Islam
Ali Shariati, Venus Kiavantash (Translator)/ 1980

Art Awaiting the Saviour
Ali Shariati, Homa Fardjadi (Translator)/ 1980

Baha'is of Iran
Roger Cooper/ 1982

Bistam, Iran : The Architecture, Setting, and Patronage of an Islamic Shrine
June H. Taboroff/ 1985

The Broken Crescent
The "Threat" of Militant Islamic Fundamentalism
By Fereydoun Hoveyda

Capitalism Wakes Up
Ali Shariati/ 1992

Competing Visions of Islam in the United States
By Kambiz Ghaneabassiri

Conflict and Cooperation
Zoroastrian Subalterns and Muslim Elites in Medieval Iranian Society Jamsheed K. Choksy/ 1997

Consilience : The Unity of Knowledge
By Edward O. Wilson.
Knopf, New York, 1998
See feature in THE IRANIAN. Click here
Contemporary Debates in Islam
An Anthology of Modernist and Fundamentalist Thought
Edited by Mansoor Moaddel and Kamran Talattof

Culture and Ideology
Ali Shariati/ 1980

The Elements of Baha'I Faith
Joseph Sheppherd/ 1997

Elm chist?
On philosophy of science and historical background of Iran
Reza Saberi / 1998 Jahan Books

Encyclopedia of Islamic Law
A Compendium of the Major Schools
Laleh Bakhtiar/ 1996

al-Fihrist (the Catalog)
10th century survey of Islamic culture
By Ibn al-Nadim

From Aristotle to Zoroaster
An A-To-Z Companion to the Classical World
By Arthur Cotterell

From Zarathustra to Khomeini : Populism and Dissent in Iran
Manochehr Dorraj/ 1990

From Zoroastrian Iran to Islam
Shaul Shaked/ 1995

God's Will Be Done: (Vol. 1) (Vol. 2)
Traditional Psychoethics and Personality Paradigm Laleh Bakhtiar/ 1994

History of Islamic Philosophy (Vol. 1)
Seyyed Hossein Nasr (Editor)/ 1996

History of Islam
Laleh Bakhtiar/ 1993

Intellectual Traditions in Islam
By Farhad Daftary (Editor)

An Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines
Conceptions of Nature and Methods Used for Its Study by the Ikhwan Al-Safa, Al-Biruni, and Ibn Sina
Seyyed Hossein Nasr/ 1993

Iran After the Revolution : Crisis of an Islamic State
Saeed Rahnema (Editor), Sohrab Behdad (Editor)/ 1995

Iran and the Muslim World : Resistance and Revolution
Nikki R. Keddie/ 1995

Islam, Iran, and World Stability
Hamid Zangeneh (Editor)/ 1994

Islam and the Plight of Modern Man
Seyyed Hossein Nasr/ 1976

Islam and the Post-Revolutionary State in Iran
Homa Omid/ 1994

Islamic Art and Spirituality
Seyyed H. Nasr/ Hardcover / 1987

Islamic Life and Thought
Seyyed Hossein Nasr/ Hardcover / 1981

Islamic Intellectual Tradition in Persia
Seyyed Hossein Nasr/ 1996

Islamic Science; An Illustrated Study
Seyyed Hossein Nasr/ 1995

Islamic Spirituality : Foundations
Seyyed Hossein Nasr (Editor)/ 1997

Islamic Spirituality : Manifestations
Seyyed Hossein Nasr (Editor)/ 1997

An Islamic Utopian
A biography of Ali Shariati by Ali Rahnema

Jadid Al-Islam : The Jewish 'New Muslims' of Meshhed
Raphael Patai/ 1998

The Jews of Islam
By Bernard Lewis

Knowledge and Liberation
A Treatise on Philosophical Theology
By Parviz Morewedge (Introduction)

Knowledge and the Sacred
Seyyed Hossein Nasr / Hardcover/ 1989

The Light and the Dark : A Cultural History of Dualism :
Dualism in Ancient Iran, India, and China Vol 5

Petrus Franciscus Maria Fontaine/ 1990

The Loneliest Road in America : Stories
by Roy Parvin

Man and Islam
Ali Shariati/ Hardcover / 1981

The Man of Light in Iranian Sufism
Henry Corbin, Nancy Pearson (Translator)/ 1994

The Mantle of the Prophet : Religion and Politics in Iran
Roy P. Mottahedeh/ 1986

Marxism and Other Western Fallacies : An Islamic Critique
Ali Shariati/ 1980

The Messenger Within
Discovering Love and Wholeness Through Meditation
By Soraya Susan Behbehani

Mithras : Mysteries and Initiation Rediscovered
D. Jason Cooper/ 1996

Modern Capitalism and Islamic Ideology in Iran Vol 1
Cyrus Bina, Hamid Zangeneh (Editor)/ 1991

Muhammad's Companions: (Vol 1) (Vol 2)
Essays on Those Who Bore Witness
Laleh Bakhtiar/ 1998

Muhammad Man of God
Seyyed Hossein Nasr/ 1995

Mussadiq and the Struggle for Power in Iran
by Homa Katouzian

Mysticism and Dissent : Socioreligious Thought in Qajar Iran
Mangol Bayat/ 1982

The Need for a Sacred Science
Seyyed Hossein Nasr / Hardcover/ 1993

Ninety-Nine Names of God in Muslim Tradition
Laleh Bakhtiar (Editor)/ 1991

One Followed by Eternity of Zeros
Ali Shariati/ 1980

Padyavand (Judeo-Iranian and Jewish Studies Series, No 1) Vol 1
Amnon Netzer (Editor)/ 1996

The Parsi Mind : A Zoroastrian Asset to Culture
Jer D. Randeria/ 1993

Persia and the Bible
by Edwin M. Yamauchi, Donald J. Wiseman

Ramadan : Motivating Believers to Action
An Interfaith Perspective
Laleh. Bakhtiar, Editor/ 1994

Reason, Freedom, and Democracy in Islam
Essential Writings of Abdolkarim Soroush
By Ahmad Sadri and Mahmoud Sadri (editors)

Red Shi'Ism
Ali Shariati/ 1980

Reflection of Humanity
Ali Shariati/ 1984

Religion & the Order of Nature
The 1994 Cadbury Lectures at the University of Birmingham
Seyyed Hossein Nasr/ 1996

Religion and Politics in Iran
Nikki R. Keddie / Hardcover/ 1983

Religion and Rebellion in Iran
The Iranian Tobacco Protest of 1891-1892
Nikke Keddie/ 1966

Religion and Revolution in the Modern World
Ali Shariati's Islam and Persian Revolution
Naghi Yousefi/ 1995

Religion Vs. Religion
Ali Shariati/ 1993

Ritual Art and Knowledge
Aesthetic Theory and Zoroastrian Ritual
Ron G. Williams, James W. Boyd/ 1993

Rivayat-I Hemit-I Asawahistan; A Study in Zoroastrian Law
Nezhat Safa-Isfehani/ 1980

School of Thought and Action
Ali Shariati/ 1988

Science and Civilization in Islam
Seyyed Houssein Nasr/ 1992

Seeing Islam As Others Saw It
A Survey and Evaluation of Christian, Jewish,
and Zoroastrian Writings on Early Islam
Robert G. Hoyland/

Shariati on Shariati and the Muslim Woman
Laleh Bakhtiar/ 1996

Shi'ism Doctrines, Thought, and Spirituality
Seyyed Hossein Nasr, et al/ 1988

Shi'ite Islam
Muhammad Tabatapai, Savyed H. Nasr (Translator)/ 1979

A Short Introduction to the Baha'I Faith
Moojan Momen/ 1997

On the Sociology of Islam
Ali Shariati / Hardcover/ 1980

Spirituality Is a Science
Foundations of Natural Spirituality
By Bahram Elahi

The State, Religion, and Ethnic Politics : Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan
Ali Banuazizi, Myron Weiner/ 1988

Sufi Essays
Seyyed Hossein Nasr / Hardcover/ 1991

Sufi : Expressions of the Mystic Quest
Laleh Bakhtir, Laleh Bakhtiar/ 1997

Sufi Women of America : Angels in the Making
Laleh Bakhtiar/ 1996

Teachings of Zoroaster and the Philosophy of the Parsi Religion
by S. A. Kapadia

Traditional Islam in the Modern World
Seyyed Hossein Nasr/ 1995

A Young Muslim's Guide to the Modern World
Seyyed Hossein Nasr/ Hardcover / 1994

The Zoroastrian Faith : Tradition and Modern Research
S. A. Nigosian/ 1993

Zoroastrianism : Its Antiquity and Chronic Vigor
Mary Boyce/ 1992

Zoroastrian Theology from the Earliest Times to the Present Day
Maneckji M. Dhalla/ 1970
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