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Wherever you are -- U.S., Europe, Australia, Iran... -- you can list community events on this page. Email us

January 2002

* BBC: The Dispossessed
* TALK: Hamid Najafi of CSI Wireless, SF Bay Area
* FILM: Festival at Ricce University, Housto
* LECTURE: Mohammad Azadpur, Maryland
* CHICAHO: Events calendar
* ART: Mokhtar Paki's paintings, Santa Monica
* MUSIC: Santoor master, Carnegie Mellon
* MUSIC: Pedram Falsafi, San Fran Bay Area
* WRITING: Workshop with Persis Karim: San Fran Bay Area
* MEDIA: Esaays about war
* PLAY: Antigone, Australia
* POLITICS: Speech on freedom, PallTalk
* FILM: "Kandahar" , San Francisco
* TV: What the middle east feels about America
* ACADEMIC: Middle East History (1)
* ACADEMIC: Middle East History (2)
* ACADEMIC: Middle-Eastern Literature Fellowship
* EVENT: Child Foundation gala, Washington DC
* EVENT: Fifth Annual Arts and Cultural event, SF Bay Area

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* BBC: T h e D i s p o s s e s s e d

Correspondent: Sunday 20th January, 7:25 pm, BBC 2

"A few planes have hit an American building and America has got upset. Innocent people were killed. We didn't do it, and I don't know which country did it. Now because the planes hit its buildings and people were destroyed America has decided to go to war with the people of Afghanistan."

That's how Hasan, a ten year old Afghan refugee boy, sees the war against terrorism raging in his country.

Abdol Sattar Sharifi, a driver from Kabul sees it another way:

"If one American dies the whole world hears about it. But Afghans die everyday and nobody pays any attention. No one will ask who was killed and how. Look at me; I have lost my wife and my child and now live in dirt, and no one cares."

On the morning of 9 November 2001, documentary film maker Taghi Amirani and his mainly Iranian crew gained rare access to Makaki, a refugee camp in Taliban held-territory in Nimruz Province near the Afghan-Iran border. At the time the carpet bombing of Afghanistan was at its most intense, and thousands of civilians were fleeing their homes. These are The Dispossessed, the forgotten refugees.

Within four days on November 13th, Kabul fell and ripples of change in Afghanistan reached Makaki. What was to be a film about the day to day lives of refugees turned into a remarkable historic record captured in a Taliban camp.

The Dispossessed tells the story of Afghan people battered by years of war and foreign interference in their land. The film captures their resilience and dignity and it hears of their dreams and unfulfilled ambitions. The Afghan people never voted for the brutal Taliban, they did not invite Bin Laden into their country and they did not start the war with America.

Director - Reporter: Taghi Amirani
Camera: Cornelius Schultze-Kraft
Picture Editor: Saadi Haeri
Associate Producer: Johanna Schwartz
Producer: Borna Alikhani
Executive Producer: Roger James
Correspondent Editor: Fiona Murch

Siguy Films Production for the BBC
For further information:


Time Out Jan 16-23

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* Talk: Hamid Najafi of CSI Wireless, SF Bay Area

Another exceptional speaker at the Society of Iranian Professionals in the San Francisco Bay Area this Friday, Jan 18th at 11:30. Featuring, Dr. Hamid Najafi, CTO of CSI Wireless, a profound human being with an incredible voice, who has successfully started and managed two very successful companies here in the valley.

Please come and hear one of SIP's own old time community activists talk about his challenges and triumphs as he climbed up the ladder of success while enjoying a delightful buffet at Faz and networking with friends.

It will be an incredible opportunity to talk one on one with some of the most high caliber Professionals in the community as well as talk to a professional "Head Hunter."

For more info and to reserve your seat now visits us at: //

Date: Friday Jan 18, 2002
Time: 11:30-1:30
Price: Members $20 --- Non-Members $30

For online Pre-registered guests ($5 increase at the door)
Place: Faz in Sunnyvale (1108 North Mathilda Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089)

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* Film: Festival at Ricce University, Housto

Come see Iranian films at the Rice University Media Center in Houston:

Rice Cinema is located on the Rice University campus, inside of Entrance No.
8 University Blvd. at Stockton Dr. Tel : 713-348-488

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* Lecture: Mohammad Azadpur, Maryland

The Iranian American Cultural Society of Maryland (IACS) presents a lecture on the Islamic political philosophy by Dr. Mohammad Azadpur, the Mellon scholar, Center for Research on Culture and Literature at the Johns Hopkins University.

All the interested people in that topic are invited.

Time: January 27, 2002 4:00 P.M.
Place: Smith Hall, Towson University
Language: English

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* Chicago: Events calendar

---- Classical guitarist Lily Afashr will present a concert on:
Friday January 18, 2002 @ Elizabeth Cheney Mansion
220 North Euclid Oak Park Illinois 60302
7:30 PM
For directions call: 708-383-2612 Fax: 708-383-6485

For information see: //

---- Iran House of Greater Chicago Presents:
Deedar, Dinner, Dancing and Valentine's Party
Friday, February 15, 2002
Reza's Restaurant on Ontario
Buffet Dinner served at 7:30PM, Dancing starts at 8:30PM
$25:00 per person

Come with your St. Valentine Spirit and bring friends to celebrate and dance the night away.

(Your on time arrival will enhance everyone's pleasure!!)

---- Sade Celebration
Saturday February 2, 2002
6 :00PM @ Davonshire Cultural Center
4400 Greenwood, Skokie
Advance tickets: Adults: $18:00, Children under 12: $12:00
Program presented by Persian School Students celebrating the Old Festival of Fire.
Great Dinner, Music by Farhad and DJ Dancing
For information call: 847 673 0614

---- A play by Yalda Group
Saturday, February 23, 2002
A play based on Gholamhossein Saedi's A ba kolah, A be kolah. @ University of Chicago
Doors open at 6:30PM, Play starts at 7:00PM
Ticket: $10:00
Call: 847 673 0614

---- Speech by Morteza Mir Aftabi
Journalist, Editor and Publisher of Simorgh magazine
Mr. Mir Aftabi will talk about satire in the writings of
Iranian thinkers.
Sunday, March 3, 2002 @ 1:30 PM
Glenview Public Library
1930 Glenview Road, Glenview, 847 729 7500
For information call: 847 673 0614

---- Noruz Celebration In Chicago
Saturday, March 30th, 2002 @ 5:00PM
Midwest Conference Center (Concord Plaza)
401 West Lake Street, Northlake, IL 60164
This memorable Unity Noruz Celebration is being organized by different organizations in Chicago with Did o Bazdid, Haftseen, Dinner, dancing, Music of Hassan Shamaiezadeh, Comedy of Tony Shams, Programs for and by Children, DJ, and many more fun activities.

Reservation must be made in advance before March 27, 2002
Adults: $45.00 Children under 12: $30:00
For information call: 847 673 0614

Notice: Arrangements are being made for special public chaharshanbe souri celebration on March 19th and Sizdeh bedar picnic on April 7th. More information will be provided later. If you would like to receive notices about events in Chicago through Iran-l listserve, send an e-mail to


---- Ebi and Leila
Saturday, February 2, 2002
Chicago Hilton & Towers
Tickets: $30:00 to $70:00
Call 1-800 550 GLOBE

---- Andy and Moein
Saturday, March 2, 2002
Chicago Marriott, Downtown
540 North Michigan Ave., 7th Floor
Advance tickets: $40:00, 45:00
At the door: $50:00
Call: 847 934 0707

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* Art: Mokhtar Paki's paintings, Santa Monica

The gallery Platform 9 changed the date of my acrylic painting exhibition.

Show begins January 29,
Reception: January 31, 7pm (the show goes on for six weeks)
Platform 9
2727 Main St.
Santa Monica, CA 90405

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* Music: Santoor master, Carnegie Mellon

Cuarteto Latinoamericano and the Persian Santoor master Dariush Saghafi will perform the world premiere of Calligraphy No. 4 by Reza Vali on Thursday January 24, 2002, 7:30 P.M., at the Kresge Theater, College of Fine Arts, Carnegie Mellon University. The concert will also feature works by Brahms, Mozart, and Diego Vega.

Calligraphy No. 4 is written for Santoor (Persian hammer dulcimer) and string quartet and is dedicated to Dr. Saghafi and the Cuarteto Latinoamericano. The musical material of the composition is entirely derived from Persian traditional music. The modal characteristics of the piece as well as the tuning, rhythm, and form, relate to the Iranian modal system, the Dástgâh. The pitch structure of Calligraphy No. 4 is based on the Persian Dástgâh of Shoor .

For more information about the concert please contact the concert office at the School of Music, Carnegie Mellon University:

Amy Stabenow, concert manager:

Tel: (412) 268-2383


Cuarteto Latinoamericano has been nominated for the 2002 Grammy Award for the recording of the string quartets by Villa-Lobos (Volume 6).

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* Music: Pedram Falsafi, San Fran Bay Area

South Bay guitar Society & Friends - Pedram FALSAFI

Friday, Jan. 18, 7:30 pm. Pedram Falsafi will offer an evening of Baroque and Renaissance music for guitar, guitar and voice and two guitars featuring his brother Babak Falsafi, guitar and Raeeka Shehabi-Yaghmai, mezzo-soprano. These gatherings are free to SBGS members, a $2.00 donation is suggested for Friends. Click here for map and directions DETAILS

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* Writing: Workshop with Persis Karim: San Fran Bay Area

For Iranians and Iranian-Americans interested in writing as well as participating in a public art project, to share your memories, to create a voice for and a visual archive of our community.

H a l l of R e f l e c t i o n s presents:

A writing workshop with Persis Karim explorations in memory, identity and meaning for Iranians and Iranian-Americans

Saturday January 26th- 2-5 and Saturday February 2nd 2-5

UC Berkeley, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, the Sultan Conference room, 340 Stephens Hall

Join Persis M. Karim (professor of Comparative Literature and Creative Writing at San Jose State University) for a two-day writing workshop exploring memories of home, , stories of migration, and assimilation into a new culture, which will result in the visual archive of the Bay Area's rich and diverse Iranian community, Hall of Reflections.

Hall of Reflections is a collective art project envisioned and created by Bay Area artist Taraneh Hemami that celebrates the emerging voices and visions of Bay Area Iranians and Iranian-Americans.

Inspired by the talar-e ayinehs (mirrored gathering halls) of historic buildings in Iran, Hall of Reflections will echo the memories and images of the community of Iranian immigrants and their descendants and will create a space where these stories are shared with the greater Bay Area public.

The workshop will be held at UC Berkeley and is FREE and open to the public. Please bring 4-5 personal photographs that evoke powerful memories for you. During the three-hour workshops we will talk about what these images suggest and we will write about the photographs (writing can be in English or Persian).

Your stories and photos will become part of an archive of memories of the Iranian- Americans of the Bay area art exhibition at the San Francisco Art Commission Gallery in September 2002 and will become part of a permanent installation at the Persian Center in Berkeley.

Hall of reflections is funded in part by a grant from the Creative Work Fund and the San Francisco Art Commission Cultural Equity Grant.

Please note: There will be a second two day workshop for the project conducted by Mrs. Shahrnush Parsipour on March 2nd and 9th. Early registeration is encouraged.

For registration and more information about how to contribute (specially photos) to the project please contact:

for directions call: 510-704-2191

donations towards the project is encouraged

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* Media: Esaays about war

The Arts Paper, a cultural journal in Boulder, Colorado, is seeking visual and performing art, as well as poetry and essays about the ongoing war for it's Peace, Justice and Civil Liberties pages.

In addition to the print edition (and our regular Web site at //, we are developing a unique Web site, "After the Fall: Artists for Peace, Justice and Civil Liberties," which should be up and running by the end of January 2002. By June, the site will have video and audio clip capacity for performing artists.

The site features links all over the world, including alternative media and peace and artists group. All participating artists' Web sites will also be linked. An "Action" section displays artists-for-peace public activities (e.g., street performances). In addition, we are creating segments of artwork about countries who have been or may be threatened with attack: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Somalia...etc. AND countries in crisis, such as Ireland.

Send submissions to The Arts Paper/Protest! or by snail mail to The Arts Paper, 1838 Pine Street, Boulder, CO. 80302. Works should include a short biography and snail-mail address for the artist.

Deadline: When the war is over.

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* Play: Antigone, Australia

Old Bus Depot Kingston, Canberra Australia

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* POLITICS: Speech on freedom, PallTalk


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* FILM: "Kandahar" , San Francisco

Camera Cinemas and Avatar Films are proud to announce the exclusive South Bay Engagement of Kandahar opening Friday, January 11th starring Niloufar Pazira, Hassan Tantai, Sadou Teymouri, and Hayatalah Hakimi.

Kandahar, the latest film from famed Iranian director Mohsen Makhmalbaf (The Day I Became A Woman, Gabbeh) charts a woman's perilous journey through Afghanistan to find her sister. Kandahar is in Farsi, with English subtitles.

For more information about Kandahar visit Mohsen Makhmalbaf's official here or //

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* TV: What the middle east feels about America

The following are the times for a two part film made for the BBC by a young Iranian director, Amir Amirani. The film addresses issues that cause resentment in the middle east about US foreign policy in the region. A section of the film was made here in Iran last month, and may be of interest to you especially those of you who have an interest in Dr. Mossadegh, whose exile home in Ahmadabad is featured in the film.

If you get BBC World, tune in and enjoy.

All bests,


Part 1 goes out on:

Friday, 4th January, 2002 - (4/1/2002) 21.30 GMT
Then on Saturday 5th, 07.30 GMT
Sunday 6th, 02.30 GMT, and 23.30 GMT
Monday 7th at 08.30 GMT, 11.30 GMT and 14.30 GMT
Tuesday 8th at 01.30 GMT and 05.30 GMT

Part 2 Goes out On:

Friday 11th January 2001 (11/1/02) at 21.30 GMT
Then on Saturday 12th, 07.30 GMT
Sunday 13th, 02.30 GMT, and 23.30 GMT
Monday 14th at 08.30 GMT, 11.30 GMT and 14.30 GMT
Tuesday 15th at 01.30 GMT and 05.30 GMT

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* ACADEMIC: Middle East History (1)

The history department of the University of Notre Dame invites applications for a one-year leave replacement in Middle East history, for the 2002-3 academic year. Period and region of specialization are open. Teaching responsibilities include a two-semester survey of the Middle East from the rise of Islam to the present and advanced courses for history majors. Screening of applications will begin February 15 and continue until the position is filled. Applicants should send letter of application, CV, sample of scholarly writing, and three letters of recommendation to Professor Thomas Kselman, chair, Department of History, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame IN 46556. Notre Dame, a research university in the Catholic tradition, is AA/EOE.

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* ACADEMIC: Middle East History (2)

CORNELL UNIVERSITY, College of Arts and Sciences, the Departments of History and Near Eastern Studies, invite applications from qualified individuals for a joint tenure-track appointment as Assistant Professor of the history of the modern Middle East/North Africa effective 7/1/02. Candidates should have broad interests and training in the history of the modern Middle East and the ability to demonstrate promise or success in teaching undergraduates. The successful candidate will be expected to teach courses to be cross-listed in the two departments on the history of the Middle East in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. PhD required. Please send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, an example of published work or work in progress, and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent separately to:

Modern Middle Eastern History Search Committee
McGraw Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.

Application deadline: January 31, 2002.

Julie Graham
Administrative Manager
Department of Near Eastern Studies
Program of Jewish Studies
Religious Studies Program
352 Rockefeller Hall

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* ACADEMIC: Middle-Eastern Literature Fellowship

Williams College invites applications for a two-year Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship for new Ph.D.'s to begin Fall 2002 in Contemporary Middle-Eastern Literature. Area of specialization and subfields are open.

The successful candidate will have a joint appointment in the Comparative Literature Program and the African and Middle-Eastern Studies Program. Working with a faculty mentor, the person appointed will offer one course per semester and advise students doing individual research projects in the area of Middle-Eastern Literature.

The fellowship includes a salary of $34,000 plus benefits and funds to support research and travel.

Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States. Please submit a letter of application, c.v., a graduate school transcript, three letters of recommendation, and a brief description of teaching interests by February 15, 2002 to:

Thomas H. Wintner
Associate Dean of the Faculty
Williams College
Williamstown, MA 01267

Williams College is a coeducational liberal arts institution, offering undergraduate education to its 2,000 students. The college has built its reputation on a long tradition of outstanding teaching and scholarship and on the academic excellence of its students. Among the opportunities that Williams offers its students and approximately 260 faculty members are interdisciplinary programs and centers, including the Multicultural Center and the Oakley Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences, as well as extensive library and museum collections and a center for information technology.

An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer, Williams College especially welcomes and encourages applications from women and minority candidates.

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* EVENT: Child Foundation gala, Washington DC

I know I have sent most of you an e-mail before, and some of you already know about this event but I think it is worth mentioning again. Please spread the word about this fundraising event and child foundation. Also if you can not attend the evening, please read about the organization at and donate as much as you can or sponsor a child. SPREAD THE WORD J And let me know how many tickets you need J

In an effort to help support our children, Washington DC chapter of Child Foundation Presents, Fundraising Gala 2002.

Saturday January 5th 2002

Ritz Carlton Hotel in McLean VA

Event includes: Four Course Dinner, Live Entertainment: Shohreh, Guest speaker and more!

(All proceeds from this event are tax deductible and benefit child foundation programs including blind children and cancer patients.)

Contact: 202-326-9000 or 1-866-31CHILD

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* EVENT: Fifth Annual Arts and Cultural event, SF Bay Area

Plans for a Nowruz Celebration and Fifth Annual Arts and Cultural event are on their way! On behalf of the Iranian Federated Women's Club and Payvand Cultural School, I would like to invite you to attend our Fifth Annual Iranian Arts & Cultural Event in March to celebrate the Iranian New Year 1381 .

This one-day festival is open to the public and will take place at the Cupertino Quinlan Community Center on Sunday, March 17, 2002. The festival will include a wide variety of community activities-dance, music, poetry, arts and crafts, a book signing, an art gallery, face painting, and delicious, authentic Persian food. For more information about the program please visit:

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