Yellow traffic lights
May 29, 2005
I promise not to bleed over the wells
in your eyes
So that you can “creep closer” to how much my heart
has tricked hope into me
So that change will occur
So that I tolerate the callous of misfortune
by others like me
From afar, through merit-less yet brooding days,
Turning pale
as I think of living at a age
Before the thick layered vacuum
of college
Raining over the sun of motivation cracked from the pavements
of my
Doggish father and become a writer
And poetically empty
The uncleansable spaces available to me since landing
Like a rare-winged, Amazon bottled glow worm; fugitive from “another
earth” Until all I tap on my window pane are memories of
public schools once private and new
-years’ celebrations once gathered
beneath the radar of “family” and now all three are
unanswered taps on my window pane
As I curiously mount hatred for the emptiness
of the sidewalk
And envy the prefect hideouts that once were
We get lucky too long
until the streets are busy again
And promise is about as promised as yellow traffic lights