I created a love
October 22 , 2005
I created a Love
That doesn’t humble itself
That does not regret
That doesn’t freeze
That does not need
I created a Love
Because I deserve Love too
That does not guide hidden feelings
That doesn’t stone the wet blanket of healing
That will not pave the path of labor through an empty shell of man
That will find me in all objects
I created Love in every consideration
From the corpse of your New Year’s fish
To the particles of truth and sorrow
Blessing the meaning for generations
To a dawn prayer
Running like the levees alongside the country road
I created Love
And perhaps it borrowed its loveliness
From a simple stone
Or the revenge of a new day,
Maybe the burial of a jealous night; every submissive dance and every desirable eye
One stroke, a splinted talisman of luck
Created my Love
And its echo.